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If you see her... - Printable Version

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If you see her... - opihikao - 09-06-2014

When we were small, little kids, we were told stories of Tutu Pele and the forms she would take, especially when she "travels". My Papa and Tutu shared their own experiences, as did other kupuna, and taught us what to do "if you see her".

Thus, given we are in trying times, a bit (not all) of our personal teachings I share with you. This is the time for all of us to understand each other and our life experiences. I have read many here, and thought it may be time to share one of our ohana stories.

In the "old days", we would never speak of such things, however, we are in a new day, and as we progess, the simple sharing of experiences may help the healing of cultural division.

On the side of the road hitchhiking, there may be an old woman, or a beautiful maiden. She will ask for a ride, in Hawaiian language (Lord knows we have many who fit this description speaking English, sorry. That's not her) and tell you her destination. Most of you will know who she is upon gazing into her eyes.

The destination is not important, as before you get there (ie. Kapoho, Pua'ala, Ola'a, Panaewa, Kapahua, Napo'opo'o, etc.) she will be gone, and a lehua lei will be in her place in the back seat of your vehicle (she will never sit in front).

This will be a test of your willingness to help someone in need. Tutu Pele spares those who help one another, instead of scoffing at the less fortunate. She will know what lurks in your heart and na'au, as she "talks story" (again, in Hawaiian) with you in the car.

Tutu Pele loves her big, white dog that roams the area (German Shepard type, but much bigger). Should you see her dog, it means she is near.

We are being tested, y'all, and the question is: Do you rise to the occasion, and do what is right and "pono" in the true sense of the word? Do we help each other, as we go through this challenge in life? Or, do we scoff at others who may have a different opinion or "class" (in the western sense)? The choice is ours.

For what it's worth. To our ohana, it is fond memories and old, old, teaching. The signs are all here; it is a time of change.

If you see her, please share your story. Mahalo.

"Eo mai, e Tutu Pele".


RE: If you see her... - deserteagle50ae - 09-06-2014

When I was young, my grandparents told us those very same stories, what memories.

RE: If you see her... - dmbwest - 09-06-2014

Opihikao, where to go , who to turn to when it happens ? Do I just keep to myself ?


RE: If you see her... - opihikao - 09-06-2014

LMAO! (Curtsey to the right)

1) Where to go? - Answer: Where you were going.

2) Who to turn to when it happens? - Answer: Why you need anybody? You got you.

3) Do I keep it to myself? - Answer: Your choice. (But I wanna know! Please, please, please!)


RE: If you see her... - dmbwest - 09-06-2014

rrr-right, that was funny ...

Advance apologies to Kelena. I keeping quiet.


RE: If you see her... - opihikao - 09-06-2014

Originally posted by deserteagle50ae

When I was young, my grandparents told us those very same stories, what memories.

Don't you love it? Almost feel bad for "sharing" as it's almost "kapu".

Chicken skin.

Mahalo ke Akua, e na Kupuna, e na Aumakua.

RE: If you see her... - dchanmer - 09-07-2014

Mahalo, Opihikao, for this story and teaching...I will keep it close in my mind!

RE: If you see her... - Tink - 09-07-2014

Mahalo Opihikao! Never heard the story, as haole, but live my life the best I can that way, giving what change I have in my pocket, sharing what tools I have to neighbors, helping k#363;puna to see they are safe in their surroundings, expecting nothing in return. It comes from my soul, and not the western way I was primarily raised. Never quite believed religion as western world sees it, buildings erected to go and pray, when the land that God created is the most beautiful church I know. Again, Mahalo!

Community begins with Aloha

RE: If you see her... - VancouverIslander - 09-07-2014

I have heard many versions of this story, but all have a similar message - be full of aloha and willing to help those in need. Thank you for sharing, it was a great story.

RE: If you see her... - mac nut - 09-07-2014

I gave an old lady by the side of the road a ride the other day, thinking maybe it was Pele in disguise. Said she was 55 years old but looked much older, said she was going to visit her best and only friend a mile away and that she had a metal foot, so hard to walk.No flowers left behind when she got out, but much aloha. You meet the most interesting and varied people hitchhiking. Still keeping an eye out for Pele!