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What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - Printable Version

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What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - dakine - 10-02-2014

Ok.. so this is far from a Puna specific issue.. but it's real.. and it has now made landfall in the US, and it's probably only a matter of time.. and some would speculate precious little of that.. before it lands here. And, this is not something to trifle with.. or be unprepared for. Though I will bet our "Uncle Billy" hasn't figured it all out either.

So what are you doing.. thinking.. are you preparing for this eventuality? Or more than likely do you feel as helpless as most and you're just hoping it will never happens here?

For those not following this...

An outbreak is confirmed in Texas... http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/03/us/dallas-ebola-case-thomas-duncan-contacts.html?_r=0

And there is one suspected.. being tested still.. in Honolulu.. http://khon2.com/2014/10/01/patient-in-isolation-in-honolulu-hospital-officials-say-ebola-a-possibility/

This could be nothing.. some would even say fear mongering on my part.. but from what I can see if we wait to have this discussion until it's at our door for reals all we'll be doing here is sharing our panic.

Any insights?

Rob: If this topic is too far afield please delete.

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - Rob Tucker - 10-02-2014

I think our country has one of the most advanced Public Health systems on the planet. Since there is little we can do personally I think we should depend on Public Health with some high degree of confidence.

I am more worried about a drunk driver.

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 10-02-2014

I always prepare for every potential pandemic such as ebola, bird flu, swine flu, sars, etc by watching "12 Monkeys" starring Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis.

Oh, and Long's has anti-viral masks in 5 packs if you're really worried.

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - Hotzcatz - 10-02-2014

There is some reason for concern, IMHO, but not an absolute red alert from what I can tell. Although I'm not a health professional and my opinion is nothing other than merely my opinion and I've not studied the matter in any depth at all. Someone from WHO (the World Heath Organization) was in an article and they mentioned a lot of the death toll currently being experienced due to Ebola in Africa is from the lack of access to medical care. Apparently, if the patient has proper medical care, it's isn't anywhere near as deadly. Although, I'd suspect, even with medical care, there will be a percentage who will die anyway although that would most likely be from some other cause added to the initial Ebola. The WHO person was also saying that it doesn't spread as fast here because it requires body fluids to spread and not just air borne germs. Apparently, in Africa there are some sort of burial customs which are really helping spread Ebola, I doubt we would have the same procedures here.

I don't see any way for it not to show up in Hawaii. We have a huge amount of folks flowing in and out of the state from all over the planet.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - unknownjulie - 10-02-2014

The staffing in the hospitals has been cut cut and cut again. The nurses work short everyday. They also have allowed medical assistants to take over some of the duties of the nurses- and they are hard to identify- since everyone wears scrubs. The Health System is not what it used to be... They will contain it, eventually, but only because this virus is "relatively" difficult to transmit. Also, when someone is very ill and coughing in the staff's faces- it is obviously able to be transmitted in the air. The ambulance staff may catch this.

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - Kapohocat - 10-02-2014

[Big Grin] [:p][:p] [:p]

Will this cause a migration back to the part of Puna that will be isolated?

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - Hotzcatz - 10-02-2014

Hmm, just some random searching around on the web, and perhaps it does have some limited transmission via air. Somewhat similar to a cold, I'd expect. A sneeze or cough and germ ridden water droplets are in the air. Inhaled by nearby folks and then the disease has jumped. So, if cases of Ebola are in the vicinity, a breath mask should be worn when out in public. Best thing would be to stay as isolated as possible, but not all folks have that option.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - kalakoa - 10-02-2014

"Regular" ebola is not airborne, but there have been mutations which are.

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - lavarat - 10-02-2014

I don't live in Hawaii anymore, but I would be more concerned in areas which don't have optimum sanitation facilities and clean drinking water. These seem to be lacking or absent in the countries which are more vulnerable to the spread of disease. When I used to fill my bottles with drinking water in the county spigots I noticed that it was common for water to leak out of the handle and drip down into the spigot. That meant that the water could be contaminated by the many persons who had contact with the handle. For this reason I always sprayed the handle and spigot areas with Lysol and then rinsed it with clean water that I carried before filling my bottles. I always carried a spray can of Lysol and clean water for this purpose. I also noticed that the stations in Mountain View, Kurtistown, and Keaau were usually pretty filthy with standing water and garbage all over the place. The new station in Pahoa was a big improvement.

RE: What will you do if/when Ebola gets here? - lavalava - 10-02-2014

The patient in iso at Queens just tested neg for Ebola.