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8th Annual Paradise Studio Art Tour - Printable Version

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8th Annual Paradise Studio Art Tour - Patti Pease Johnson - 10-06-2014

Arts and crafts galore at the 8th Annual Paradise Studio Tour, Saturday and Sunday, 10am-4pm, December 6th and 7th. Public invited to visit artists in their home studios in Hawaiian Paradise Park in Keaau. Nine studios with 27 local artists showing oil painting, watercolors, collage, pastels, acrylic, cement, wood sculpture, jewelry making, pottery, ceramics, soapmaking, silk painting, fashion art, gourd crafting, photography and more. Free featured demos. For brochure and map go to: http://www.paradisestudiotour.com or call (808) 982-5150.

RE: 8th Annual Paradise Studio Art Tour - Rob Tucker - 10-07-2014

Looks like a great opportunity for Christmas shopping.

RE: 8th Annual Paradise Studio Art Tour - kalakoa - 10-14-2014

(Please, nobody take this the wrong way, but) I've always wondered how the "studio tour" is okay given that County shut down the "illegal" art gallery in Hawaiian Acres -- it wasn't open full-time, either, just a handful of showings a year, over the course of a decade until "someone complained".

County would happily have let it remain open, all the gallery needed was a permitted building, adequate wastewater disposal, handicap-accessible parking, and a Special Use Permit... obviously all the studios open for this event have met these requirements, and nobody is complaining about their operation...

RE: 8th Annual Paradise Studio Art Tour - faroutsider - 10-22-2014

I want a Magic Bus T! COOL!

Someone else needs a hug. Sad