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Rat Lungworm - Printable Version

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Rat Lungworm - Rattlestaff - 01-28-2015

Posting because I have met soo many people that move here dreaming of wonderful fresh produce and growing your own gardens but they have no idea about this.I hear "rat what? What is that?"

So was thinking soo many come here for advise I'd post the link to a recent article. It really is horrible and scary and need much more public awareness.


RE: Rat Lungworm - terracore - 01-28-2015




RE: Rat Lungworm - faroutsider - 01-29-2015

Originally posted by Rattlestaff

Posting because I have met soo many people that move here dreaming of wonderful fresh produce and growing your own gardens but they have no idea about this.I hear "rat what? What is that?"

So was thinking soo many come here for advise I'd post the link to a recent article. It really is horrible and scary and need much more public awareness.


Oh, don't worry, most know. If you are continuously pointing out the obvious, everyone will seem like a moron.

RE: Rat Lungworm - lavalava - 01-29-2015

Obvious? Have you actually seen a Nematode?

RE: Rat Lungworm - Kenney - 01-29-2015

Yes, most of us long time residents know about rat lungworm, but many of the new people don't. IMHO, if the warning saves one person from the disease, it's helpful, not moronic to point out the "obvious" danger.

RE: Rat Lungworm - Chunkster - 01-29-2015

This is a very real problem, and Rattlestaff is doing us all a favor by maintaining awareness.

RE: Rat Lungworm - lavalava - 01-29-2015

Thanks for the reminder - stay safe all!

RE: Rat Lungworm - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-29-2015

Look back a few months ago to see how much was posted about Ebola.
Rat lungworm is already in Puna, and can be life threatening if contracted.

It's a good reminder.
Thanks Rattlestaff

RE: Rat Lungworm - punafish - 01-29-2015

It's a good reminder, thanks for posting

FWIW, our general advice to guests who visit (most of whom are ignorant about RLW): Only eat raw veggies, veggie smoothies, etc. made by people you trust will wash, store and handle the veggies properly. We basically consume our raw veggies only at home, or occasionally if prepared by family or trusted friends. Better safe than sorry.

RE: Rat Lungworm - asly - 01-29-2015

I think it's great to have reminders posted. I've read a lot about it over the years on PW and also in other articles. This is the first time I've seen it referenced that people believe they've caught it from slugs getting into their water catchment tanks. Eek!

Enjoy the day! Ann