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PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - Printable Version

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PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - lavalava - 01-30-2015

Any thoughts?

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - ironyak - 01-30-2015

Puna Geothermal Hosts Contentious Meeting on Night Drilling

Direct video link:

EDIT: added page link

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - ironyak - 01-30-2015

Links for the two related resolutions introduced by Council Member Ilagan.



RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - Guest - 01-30-2015

Thanks for posting the video of the meeting, felt very tense watching it. Mike K. did a great job standing and allowing most to ask their questions. Did look to be many more concerned community citizens at this meeting than recent past meetings. Looked to be a very white dominant crowd yet again, without representatives from many geothermal profit makers like OHA? Was anyone their from the health dept or Dlnr, or do they even care what is being told to the community? Mike looked to be a puppet who was obviously frustrated by the crowd ganging up on him a bit, yet had no one to pass his only piece of paper to.
The logic used by mike that the nighttime drilling ban does not apply to geothermal is very weak. Shouldn't we all be able to use our cell phones while driving today, for we got our drivers licenses before that law came about? Surely the new lava trespassing laws wouldn't apply to lava junkies like myself who were already actively visiting the lava before the new laws then?
The way Mike was so blatant about the idea that no matter what the community feels or wants, geothermal was going to drill right on through the night like it or not.
Pretty sure only 7 out of every 10 wells drilled in this area are profitable or let's just say strike gold lava steam. Most of these past geothermal drillings have taken longer than planned, sometimes months longer. Does anyone know approximately where this new well will be drilled? Was this sight blessed or sample studied for the before and after possible environmental impacts?. Most new wells elsewhere are blessed before drilling for community safety and prosperity. It feels as if This drilling of a new Ormat well is now being rushed to start, while ignoring its neighbors concerns and laws, that have been applied since Ormats last drilling of a well here.
Why should anyone trust this type of big bully behavior? Ormat owned geothermal clearly is a self regulated company that decides what our county deserves or doesn't deserve, not its people.

Our community is so torn or split about this Puna geothermal future its almost unfair for Ormat to be in the middle of or the cause of such a division. This Contract of 28 wells and or 60 megawatts that Mike keeps referring to is what exactly? Does puna really need the extra megawatts now or in the near future, now that we are losing about half of our population? Shouldn't this contract be revised, stalled or modified a bit, especially now that we have the lava flow uncertainties? Why would our great Puna county freeze the relocation process of sickened nearby residents now, when Ormats plans are to ignore laws and resident concerns while trying to produce more resource and profits for the previously selected groups and individuals? Why wouldn't this relocation fund have been given back its millions that was previously stolen, plus a few million more with a much faster approval and relocating process? Feels very one sided or unfair in many ways.

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - TomK - 01-30-2015

My head hurts after reading that, gypsy69.

At least the meeting wasn't interrupted. The whole thing was quite civil in my opinion.

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - Guest - 01-31-2015

Tom, sorry about the length or headache causing of my last post. This morning I was parked at the high school in Pahoa waiting for the bus that was to take the kids to Kona for the wrestling meet. The bus never showed once again, so parents were scrambling trying to find enough room for the keiki and things. The gasses and smoke were terrible this morning while the keiki were standing around waiting for what they had already paid for. The headaches were common amongst the kids, probably due to the breathing and stressful conditions that DOE subjected them to this morning.
Did see fire personnel heading towards geothermal around 4:45a.m but only the lights were on, no noise to the call. Anyone know why the fire trucks cruise to calls with no sound?

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - pander75 - 01-31-2015

Gypsy69 I can answer your last question... emergency services usually have 2 or 3 tiers of call priorities. Calls that they respond to but are deemed non-emergency usually use no lights and sirens. Emergency or time-critical responses use lights and sirens, but obviously there is a disruption and danger of driving like that. (As a former ambulance driver, you would not believe the crazy things that unprepared drivers do when they see an emergency vehicle in their rear view mirror!) So as much as possible emergency vehicles try to just get to the scene as quickly as they can without using lights and sirens.

On a second note, I agree with you that Mike K is basically just a puppet representing his company. For them to arrogantly stand up and state that they are going to do whatever they want without regard to the local laws or their close neighbors is like a slap in the face. Hawaii County Council seems to talk some kind of talk, but for the most part the County turns a convenient blind eye to just about everything PGV does. It kind of makes you wonder just how much money the County makes off of them, and how many "campaign contributions" our politicians and officials have accepted.

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - leilanidude - 01-31-2015

Originally posted by gypsy69

Tom, sorry about the length or headache causing of my last post. This morning I was parked at the high school in Pahoa waiting for the bus that was to take the kids to Kona for the wrestling meet. The bus never showed once again, so parents were scrambling trying to find enough room for the keiki and things. The gasses and smoke were terrible this morning while the keiki were standing around waiting for what they had already paid for. The headaches were common amongst the kids, probably due to the breathing and stressful conditions that DOE subjected them to this morning.
Did see fire personnel heading towards geothermal around 4:45a.m but only the lights were on, no noise to the call. Anyone know why the fire trucks cruise to calls with no sound?

You need to stop posting your complaints about smoke and gasses that are obviously straight from the volcano/lava flow as if it has something to do with the geothermal plant!

At 4:45am, the fire truck you saw, didn't have the siren on because it wasn't needed. How much traffic was on the road at that time? If they did use their siren during those early morning times, you would probably complain that the noise bothered you and woke you up and you need to have the county buy your house!

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - Guest - 01-31-2015

Another positive post by leilanidude is just what the Dr ordered, thank you sir. The hard working and yes courteous fire personnel was really fine to see, just a little alarming in the direction they were going, towards geothermal. It was very bad smokey conditions in the high school parking lot this morning so it makes some wonder. At least our emergency personnel respond to the community and are courteous while working such odd hours. Wish I could say the same about our good neighbor, it may be hard to quiet me down the next few months.

RE: PGV Meeting 1/29/2015 - Obie - 01-31-2015


You are never going to get any relocation money if you live in upper Leilani.

If the smoke,the vog,the odors and all the other boogie men are bothering you, you need to move away.

Why is it that you have a toxic cloud around you wherever you go ?