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The weather. - Printable Version

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The weather. - macuu222 - 02-04-2015

I just want to say that the weather for about the past month has been some of the best I've ever experienced at this time of year living in lower Puna. With few exceptions, everyday has been sunny and warm and for the most part DRY. Yesterday the entire island was cloudless (something I haven't seen in a long time) And several records have been tied or broken for high temperatures in Hilo. Monday Hilo tied the record high of 88 degrees which is hotter than anything we had last "summer". My mango trees that normally have very few if any fruits are going nuts. And the coquis are quiet at night! Of course there's always a downside like running out of catchment water or my lawn turning to toast but I can live with that. Are we experiencing the initial effects of global warming?

RE: The weather. - Punatic007 - 02-04-2015

I wouldn't consider it the best or good weather, I like a nice balance of rain and sun. That said, the light quality in my neighborhood on the Puna coast has been stunningly beautiful lately. Colors are more enhanced it seems, a tropical surreal look to our landscape, like being inside of a gorgeous painting. And no I don't do drugs, lol.

RE: The weather. - SuperGu - 02-04-2015

Originally posted by macuu222

Are we experiencing the initial effects of global warming?

The weather has been awesome, so yeah, Global Warming.


RE: The weather. - bluesboy - 02-04-2015

i think some people are categorizing this as el nino.

RE: The weather. - Carey - 02-04-2015

Current ENSO (el nino) conditions remain ENSO neutral, but with a 50-60% chance of ENSO conditions within the next 2 months...so too early to blame ENSO -el nino:

Climate change vs climate anomalies are hard to tack on... we did have higher local sea surface temps (SSTs) this summer, due to ocean current anomalies... and this winter the whole northern hemisphere is locked in a jetstream pattern that has remained fairly static..

but just less than a decade ago... back in DEC '05 we had a month without rain, higher temps, clear skies, wildfires...and then in Mar. 06...40 days of rain, cooler temps, including some of the largest rainfall periods...sooo...

Enjoy the current weather, no matter what it is!

RE: The weather. - Mimosa - 02-04-2015

We should start to get regular trade wind rains in March.
Till then,we may get a half inch every now n again,but this is a typical weather pattern for puna.
Every 15 to 30 years we get patterns like this.
It could be dry like this for 3 to 8 months and then heavy rains non stop for 6 to 8 months.2 to 3 inch's rain a day and on heavy rain days,10 to 12 inch's rain per 24 hour period .
As the saying went back in the 1960s - Ho Hum - just another crappy day in paradise .


RE: The weather. - TomK - 02-04-2015

Carey provides an excellent summary of the current conditions, but the weather is certainly not typical. Mimosa may well be correct about a long-term cycle (I've heard similar things from a couple of life-long residents) although I'm not sure the data are available to support that.

What I do know is the summit of Mauna Kea is currently experiencing conditions I haven't seen before. Although skies are beautifully clear the observatories are shut down due to high winds. This has been going on for a few days and is forecast to continue for at least the next seven days. Hurricane force winds aren't unusual up there, but can't remember a time they've lasted so long. Tomorrow the forecast is for 100+ mph winds with only a slight improvement after that before getting back into the 100 mph range next week.

Very unusual.

RE: The weather. - shave_ice - 02-04-2015

Most of my fruit trees seem to be enjoying this drought. Like macuu said, I've never seen so many flowers on my mango tree and the trees all over Puna seem to be going nuts. Fingers crossed this means a great mango year. My lychee trees are also flowering for the very first time. Coincidence or not?

RE: The weather. - Mimosa - 02-04-2015

Good Evening Tom - This is Mrs.Mimosa.
This is an A typical wx pattern for this side of island.
For the next 10 to 15 years,should be very similar with a few hick ups .We should start seeing rains again mid march or maybe april,if memory serves correctly - OR no rain till June and then super rainy until a few days prior to Christmas.
More likely mid march we will start with some trade showers b efore the deluge starts anew.
One rule of thumb is when the avo's are in full bloom mode - we will get dumped on 24/7 until bloom mode is pau.
Lychee and Mango as a general rule need 3 to 5 years to regenerate enough ump-ha for a full fruit season,lychee every other year as a general rule of thumb and mango every 3 to 5 years.Many factors other than just the weather to take into account .

As for the high velocity winds on the peaks .Every 30 to 50 years,same same pattern as a general rule.

No need science to tell us,just memory of over 8 decades here on Hawaii the Island.


RE: The weather. - ironyak - 02-04-2015

What's the likelyhood for more snow on the summits this season, according to either the weather models or the Mimosa Almanac? Thanks Smile