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what Puna Offers to our Keiki? - Printable Version

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what Puna Offers to our Keiki? - Guest - 03-09-2015

Really hope this thread can help many find some fun and educational things to do with their keiki here in Puna. We try to take our young kids to the park here in leilani for its close and offers plenty of space for many different activities. We take drives along our coast sometimes picking fruit or spot fishing. Outside of that most activity for them takes place in the yard or we drive to another district.
Our older kids also enjoy the park so hopefully your neighborhood has one. They enjoy Poihiki for the fishing or other ocean activities, we don't condone very much hanging out down there though. They will cruise to the school for pick-up basketball games or go to the skate park once in awhile if its clean. The Pahoa pool is very nice on a hot day for the entire family.
Please share positive activities or things our keiki can or are allowed to do in our Puna district. Thank you and I hope this can help some.

RE: what Puna Offers to our Keiki? - Ino - 03-10-2015

The Puna Lions Club is working to get the Boy's and Girl's club of Pahoa a $10k Weinberg grant. We painted the outside of the building a couple of years ago;

County Parks and Recreation for Pahoa;

County Parks and Recreation for Hawaiian Beaches;

This is the time to sign up for summer camps;

Science camp;

Boy Scout summer camp at Honokaa;

UHH summer camp;

I'm involved with Project Hawaii summer camp up in Kalopa and we reward and mentor some of the teens with a sea kayaking trip;

If you still are looking for things check here;

46 things to do;

Hope this helps!

RE: what Puna Offers to our Keiki? - Guest - 03-10-2015

Right on Ino, thank you for the great links and info. We have tried both the county and parks recreation in pahoa and hawaiian beaches over the years. Most those other links are very promising and look like good fun for the keiki, not here in Puna though. A few churches in the area also offer different keiki activities on Friday nights that some like to go to.