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Navy destroyer in Hilo - Printable Version

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Navy destroyer in Hilo - alaskyn66 - 04-11-2015

I find this story just a little odd...

Navy destroyer can't pull into Hilo Harbor.


The story just doesn't ring true. Why didn't they just fly in
If they are wanting to entertain troops.

What's the real reason they are here?... I think someone important is here, and they just won't say who.

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - PunaMauka2 - 04-11-2015

my first thought, ...imagine how the arrival of a Navy destroyer into Hilo bay at this point would certainly be capitalized on to be construed by a contingent of TMT activists as a clear visible symbol of military intimidation, domination and suppression of the people. a prize publicity opportunity indeed for the fanatically fixated.

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-11-2015

Hageman says the sailors are looking forward to attending the hula competitions and participating in the festival.

Is there any way that could happen? Tickets for the festival were sold out last December. Although, the sailors could enjoy the craft fair, food tents and other events that take place this week in conjunction with the hula competition.

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - macuu222 - 04-11-2015

Harbor depth...31 feet. USS Destroyer depth....32 1/2 feet. Someone wasn't thinking....especially if there's hundreds of sailors wanting to come ashore.

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - PunaMauka2 - 04-11-2015

dunno about ticketed access to the hula competition, but usually a Navy band participates in the downtown parade. ...and quite rockingly so i might add.

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - leilanidude - 04-11-2015

With all of the empty seats observed (as i watched it on television) I am sure that some seats could have been had for those serving in the military. The festival organizers might even reserve some seats for a last minute thing like this.

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - lavalava - 04-11-2015

The navy got word that the natives are restless again!!

Save your flames - jk!

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - pahoated - 04-11-2015

The channel is over 50 feet deep but right at pierside, it is a 32 foot draft. Looked up the Disney cruise line, over a 1000 feet long and it has a 26 foot draft. Don't know who was behind arranging this but they didn't know what they were doing, not realizing a warship was going to have a deeper draft. This sounds like somebody from Oregon or Washington tried to arrange this.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - shockwave rider - 04-11-2015

The Navy has had ships here before during Merrie Monarch, maybe even every year. I remember seeing news reports of the dockside hula greeting and a contingent from the Navy marching in the parade, usually they have a band come too.

This was planned long before the protestors started blocking the road to Mauna Kea. Not everything is a nefarious plot, sometimes it is just a normal representation of the armed forces in a civic event. The news report I saw had a navy representative stating that there was a conflict between their charts and the actual depth by less than 3-4 feet, but it was just enough to keep them from docking.

RE: Navy destroyer in Hilo - pahoated - 04-11-2015

Looks like the last one was in 2012, and there is the answer. There are several classes of warships. The USS Chung Hoon is an Arleigh Burke destroyer.

The visit in 2012 was the USS Crommelin (FFG-37) Oliver Hazard Perry-class guided-missile frigate:
draft 22 ft
length 453 ft
displacement 4,100 tons

USS Chung Hoon
class Arleigh Burke class destroyer
draft 32 ft
length 509 ft
displacement 9,200 tons

The depth along the cruise ship pier, the only pier, is 30 ft going to 26 ft. Since they got all the way to the entry of the harbor before realizing this, it had to be a last minute discovery. It would be interesting to hear the back story of how all this was arranged considering there are a lot more frigates around than destroyers. Now, Hilo needs to remember what can come into the harbor and what can't.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"