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Water Aerobics - Printable Version

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Water Aerobics - Chunkster - 06-22-2015

Does anyone know if they still offer water aerobics at the Pahoa pool? I did a Punaweb search, and only came up with some vague and/or very dated info. Thanks!

RE: Water Aerobics - Kapoho Joe - 06-22-2015

Going to Punaweb for the Pahoa pool schedule?? Try going to the County Parks and Rec - Aquatic Division!


RE: Water Aerobics - rainyjim - 06-22-2015

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish...


RE: Water Aerobics - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 06-22-2015

Give a man a fish ... teach him to fish...

What about a water aerobics class, in a pool, stocked with fish the participants can chase, catch and take home?

Exercise plus dinner. Sign me up...

RE: Water Aerobics - Kapoho Joe - 06-23-2015

Originally posted by rainyjim

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish...


Too funny Jim - WTG!

RE: Water Aerobics - JG-HPP - 06-24-2015

yes, Pahoa water aerobics are MWF at 9 am. It's still $20/month as far as I know.

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