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Musicians, how to keep drum hardware from rusting? - Printable Version

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Musicians, how to keep drum hardware from rusting? - dreamoutloud - 06-24-2015

Aloha fellow musicians! I have only lived here for 5 months now and notice that the rims on my drums and some of the hardware is developing rust spots.
Does anyone have any tips on how to keep my set looking nice and not turning into a pile of junk?

Its a colorful life!

RE: Musicians, how to keep drum hardware from rusting? - Hawaii Bound - 06-24-2015

Not a musician but I can tell you that the best stuff for rust or rust prevention is a product called Corrosion Block. On island the only place that you can purchase it that I am aware of is Alumside.

RE: Musicians, how to keep drum hardware from rusting? - terracore - 06-24-2015

Also not a musician and have not heard of corrosion block. Many people swear by using car wax to keep things from rusting. We use Zep stainless steel polish to keep our "stainless" steel from rusting.

RE: Musicians, how to keep drum hardware from rusting? - Hawaii Bound - 06-24-2015

Yes you have Terracore. It's just been about four (4) years so you just forgot about it [Big Grin]


EDITED to fix double quote

RE: Musicians, how to keep drum hardware from rusting? - terracore - 06-24-2015

Awesome blast from the past!

RE: Musicians, how to keep drum hardware from rusting? - ElysianWort - 06-25-2015

Hi Laura I am a musician but do not play drums and don't have any chrome to polish except the tuning keys on my guitar buy have heard of people polishing and using beeswax to stave off rust. Of course a room with temperature control and AC works bets but a dehumidifier in an enclosed room running a few hours every other day with your instruments works good too.