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Aquatic/water garden plant source? - Printable Version

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Aquatic/water garden plant source? - Wao nahele kane - 07-06-2015

Are there any good sources for water garden plants around here, if so who?

RE: Aquatic/water garden plant source? - Rene Siracusa - 07-06-2015

Pahoa Feed & Fertilizer has some. Also, from time to time Jan Anderson, who sells orchids at the Akebono Farmers Market on Sundays, will bring some water lilies.

There is a water garden society and they always put their monthly meeting notices in the HT-H Calendar - probably a good source for info and plants.

RE: Aquatic/water garden plant source? - Lee M-S - 07-06-2015

The Big Island Water Garden Club has a Monthly meeting, featuring a speaker (usually), potluck pupus, plant auction, and door prizes.
3rd Tuesday every month, 7 pm, Kea'au Community Center (behind the police station)

We talk about all kinds of plants and garden issues, not just the wet ones. Anyone interested in gardening is welcome to come to a meeting (for free!)

There are not always water plants available, it depends on what members think to bring each month. But you can make connections with people who sell or give away great plants.

August 18, 7:00 PM Margaret: What the Kea’au Community Center Has to Offer
September 15, 7:00 PM Patrick Merritt: Chocolate – Bean to Bar
and TBA:
October 20, 7:00 PM
November 17, 7:00 PM

Is there a particular plant you're looking for? I might have some to spare.
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RE: Aquatic/water garden plant source? - EightFingers - 07-06-2015

Garden Exchange has a few different kinds, pretty good prices.

RE: Aquatic/water garden plant source? - allensylves - 07-07-2015

The Hobby Garden in HPP on 12th makai off Paradise toward Kaloli has some.

Finally in HPP

RE: Aquatic/water garden plant source? - Wao nahele kane - 07-15-2015

Thanks for the info everyone.

RE: Aquatic/water garden plant source? - Lee M-S - 08-18-2015

Water Garden club meets tonight!

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