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oil to gas ratio - Printable Version

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oil to gas ratio - wild bill - 07-17-2015

I see so many ruined engines due to not enough oil in the fuel. When in doubt use more oil, it will not harm the engine, it may foul the spark plug after a time but remember, "OIL IS CHEAP, ENGINES ARE EXPENSIVE", spark plugs are cheap too. I suggest a 25:1 ratio of two cycle oil to gas. You don't need to spend extra on the ethanol free. just don't leave in the machine more than a week, run it dry before storage. If you use one of those disposable bottles for one gallon of gas, only put 3/4 of a gallon of gas, this will give a thicker oil mix. Manufactureers want to sell new machines. Free Advice from Puna Small Engines, 965-7213.

william c schmidt

RE: oil to gas ratio - terracore - 07-19-2015

Thanks for the info. Keep it coming!

RE: oil to gas ratio - Seeb - 07-19-2015

The ethanol free seems to run better and have less maintenance problems. I think it well worth the maybe 50 cents a week in cost

RE: oil to gas ratio - wild bill - 08-12-2015

Alcohol has less energy (Kcal/gm) than gasoline but with only 10- 15% added in the mix I would bet that you could not consistantly tell which engine was running without ethanol simply by using them. Even if you use ethanol free you cannot leave fuel in the machine for long periods of time. I had the same repair issues before we had ethanol as I have now, if you leave gas in it you pay me to fix it. If you can allow the machine to run out of fuel before storage you probably won't need to have the carb cleaned.

william c schmidt

RE: oil to gas ratio - kalakoa - 08-12-2015

If you can allow the machine to run out of fuel before storage you probably won't need to have the carb cleaned.

The difference between string trimmers and chainsaws: the trimmer is usually run dry, the chainsaw gets put away wet...

RE: oil to gas ratio - Tink - 08-12-2015

I don't know, maybe I am lucky. Have a Husqvarna 360 chainsaw that sat on the shelf for three years and with an air filter cartridge replacement she started right up on the same Chevron supreme with Husky mix in the tank.
Could the pre mix oil retard ethanol spoilage?

Edited to add question.
Community begins with Aloha

RE: oil to gas ratio - oink - 08-12-2015

I don't know about the Husky oil but the Stihl oil has pretty good fuel stabilizer in it. For most of my stuff I use the K100 stabilizer. I think it works amazingly well. For my chain saw I've had good experience with just the stihl oil but if I buy 5gal of gas for assorted uses I'll add some K100 to the whole can right off just in case it gets left in something I use it in.

Big Islander to be.