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Sprites from mauna kea - Printable Version

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Sprites from mauna kea - dan d - 08-13-2015

very cool
not easy to see
they are at the right side of the screen about 3/4 way thru the sequence

like vertical lightening the go way up to the ionosphere

Dan D

RE: Sprites from mauna kea - Wao nahele kane - 08-13-2015


RE: Sprites from mauna kea - beejee - 08-13-2015

Pretty cool Dan, thanks for posting.

RE: Sprites from mauna kea - TomK - 08-13-2015

Thank you, Dan. Haven't seen that before via the MK cameras before, certainly never with the naked eye. Quite a show, albeit brief.

PS. Unfortunately the link is to a movie that updates in real time, so The sprites were visible earlier, but no longer. I'll see if the CFHT have an archived movie.

RE: Sprites from mauna kea - TomK - 08-13-2015


Sprites can be seen around 4am.

RE: Sprites from mauna kea - dan d - 08-14-2015

Thanks Tom

I didnt know you worked at one of the telescopes. Do u work with Andrew at keck?

Dan D

RE: Sprites from mauna kea - TomK - 08-18-2015


I've worked at UKIRT for the last 19 years and have observed there since 1991. I know Andrew online, haven't had the fortune to meet him in person yet, but bet I'd know his face (and he'd know mine). We've interacted a lot via email over the last few years. In fact both you and I have commented together on one or two of his blog posts recently!
