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furniture stripping - Printable Version

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furniture stripping - shockwave rider - 09-19-2015

Does anyone know of someone on this side of the island who does furniture stripping? I have some solid hardwood furniture, not antiques, that really need to be completely stripped and then refinished. I know there are people in some places who use a dip process, that would be perfect, but I would settle for some other process if I needed to.

RE: furniture stripping - terracore - 09-20-2015

If you have the time and patience you can do it yourself with products available locally. I'm sure the stripping chemicals have gotten better and probably less dangerous than when I did it decades ago. If the wood has a lot of carvings or details it can be a PITA to do the sanding, if that is the case it maybe better to pay somebody to do it for you.

RE: furniture stripping - shockwave rider - 09-20-2015

No time or space to do it myself, plus my partner is highly sensitive to a lot of chemicals, so I do not want to try this at home, thus the request for any leads for someone else who does this professionally.

RE: furniture stripping - David M - 09-20-2015

Looking forward to the recommendations.


Ninole Resident
Please visit vacation.ninolehawaii.com

RE: furniture stripping - Lee M-S - 09-20-2015

I had the impression that the dip chemicals were so unhealthy that they were outlawed several years ago. But maybe that was just California.

If you're going to a darker color, MinWax makes a stain and verithane or urethane (or somethingthane) all-in-one finish that's easy to use. Just sand the original finish to rough it up, and put one or more coats of the minwax. Stir the heck out of the minwax, it settles.

I realize this doesn't help you, shockwave, but might help others.

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RE: furniture stripping - KeaauRich - 09-20-2015

Bryan Booth, the antiques guy down on Ponahawai Street, can either do it or recommend someone. Call him on (808)933-2500