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Testify Now: Ambulance SB2434 - Printable Version

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Testify Now: Ambulance SB2434 - viviansuet - 02-24-2016

Representative San Buenaventura is asking for your kokua in helping pass a critical bill relating to improving the emergency medical services to Puna by adding an “advanced life support medic unit” (i.e. an Ambulance). As the fastest growing district in Hawaii, the population growth in Puna necessitates the need for an additional ambulance. The Committee members want to hear from YOU the community members about this issue. So, let’s tell them that PUNA LIVES MATTER!!!
See bill info here: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=2434
This bill is being heard this Friday, 2-26-16, 11am in the Finance Committee. Please try to submit your testimony by 11a on Thursday, 2-25-16. However, late testimony will be accepted on the morning of the hearing (Friday).
Please submit testimony on HB 2434 in one of three ways:

1. Online Testimony – You can submit testimony online by clicking the link above. Click on the blue “Submit Testimony” button in the top right-hand corner, and follow the instructions in the attached pdf document; or,

2. Direct Email – If you have problems uploading your testimony online, please email your testimony directly to the committee at fintestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov

3. Respond – Respond to this email with your written testimony, and I will walk your testimony to the committee clerk (MSWord or PDF attachments please).

Mahalo plenty!
Valerie B. Dionne
Committee Clerk

Office of Representative San Buenaventura (H Dist 4)
Vice Chair of the House Judiciary Committee
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 305
(808) 586-6562