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HI Acres crime stats - Printable Version

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HI Acres crime stats - Lee M-S - 07-12-2016

Just got this in an email:

Hawaiian Acres Crime Stats
06/13/16 to 07/10/16

Key to number code shown in red for each category: THIS MONTH/LAST MONTH/PUNA DISTICT

Burglaries: 3/2/13
• Victim reported that on 06-22-16/11:45 am he entered a home he was house sitting located at the 16-1100 block area of Road 3 he observed a male party in this residence holding on to items belonging to the owner of the residence. When victim attempted to grab the suspect the suspect dropped the items and cut the victims arm with a board cutter causing a laceration. A felony assault case has also been generated.

• Victim reported that between 06-11-16/unknown time and 06-27-16/5:30 pm unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s residence located at the 16-2100 block area of Road 8 and removed miscellaneous items from within.

• Victim reported that on 06-27-16 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm unknown suspect(s) entered her residence located at the 16-1500 block area of Road 6 and removed miscellaneous items from within.

Criminal Property Damage: 3/0/17

• Victim reported that between 05-22-16/11:00 am and 06-12-16/7:00 am unknown suspect(s) broke a chain securing the door to a shed on his property located at the 16-1500 block area of Road 4. **Connect up case to Theft case**

• Victim reported that between 06-13-16/unknown time and 06-27-16/10:00 am unknown suspect(s) cut his chain link fence and entered his property located at the 16-1900 block area of Road 8. **Connect up case to Theft case**

• Victim reported that on 07-06-16/3:00 am her ex-boyfriend damaged a window to her vehicle while parked in her driveway located on Road D between Road 6 and 7.

Robbery: 0/0/0

There were no Robbery reports within Hawaiian Acres.

Thefts: 4/4/43

• Victim reported that between 06-11-16 and 06-16-16 unknown suspect(s) removed solar panels and other miscellaneous items from her property located at the 16-1700 block area of G Road.

• Victim reported that between 05-22-16/11:00 am and 06-12-16/7:00 am unknown suspect(s) broke a chain securing the door to a shed on his property located at the 16-1500 block area of Road 4 and removed a white Kenmore Refrigerator, 3-330 foot rolls of wire fence and 2-500 foot barbed wire.

• Victim reported that between 06-26-16/8:30 pm and 06-27-16/6:00 am unknown suspect(s) removed her silver and purple 2000 Honda 4 door sedan from her residence located at the 16-2000 block area of Road 5. ***This is not a UCPV because suspect is unknown. This also allows police to arrest everyone in the vehicle and not just the driver, who may not have been the one to steal the vehicle***

• Victim reported that between 06-13-16/unknown time and 06-27-16/10:00 am unknown suspect(s) cut his chain link fence and entered his property located at the 16-1900 block area of Road 8. Suspect(s) then removed a green 1998 Suzuki Quad, Craftsman Generator, Craftsman chainsaw, Snap on Welding helmet, Miscellaneous tools, Craftsman weed eater, Hobart wire welder and other Miscellaneous items.


There were no UCPV reports within Hawaiian Acres.


There were no UEMV reports within Hawaiian Acres.

Assaults: 2/0/25

• Victim reported that on 06-22-16/11:45 am he entered a home he was house sitting located at the 16-1100 block area of Road 3 he observed a male party in this residence holding on to items belonging to the owner of the residence. When victim attempted to grab the suspect the suspect dropped the items and cut the victims arm with a board cutter causing a laceration. A felony assault case has also been generated.

• Victim reported that on 07-05-16/8:45 am an unknown male suspect entered an abandoned residence she “sleeps” in located at the 16-1700 block area of Road 9 and began yelling at her to get out. Male party followed victim out of the residence and struck her with an unknown object to her left shoulder causing pain and visible injury.

DRUGS: 0/0/4

There were no Drug reports within Hawaiian Acres.



Assistance Needed

As always, we cannot be all places at all times, we need your help. We need citizens to take the role as observer; watching for suspicious activity and notifying the police.

Non Emergency…935-3311

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RE: HI Acres crime stats - EightFingers - 07-12-2016

How are they getting in? Through unlocked doors? windows?

Oh, what's a "board cutter"?

RE: HI Acres crime stats - alaskyn66 - 07-12-2016

Maybe they mean box cutter.

..And the people bowed and prayed... to the neon God they made...

RE: HI Acres crime stats - jrw - 07-12-2016

If your not home locked doors windows are not going kept anybody out


RE: HI Acres crime stats - randomq - 07-13-2016

Since even photographic evidence is "not enough" for the police to act on, I'm at a loss for legal methods of protecting property while away...

RE: HI Acres crime stats - Vic - 07-14-2016

Where could I find these kind of stats for Nanawale?

Cant wait to live in Puna!

RE: HI Acres crime stats - Lee M-S - 07-15-2016

I googled around a while trying to find these stats online, then asked the guy who sent it to me how to get different subdivisions. He said, "Ours are provided by our Community Policing Officer. HPP posts theirs on their website. There is a Puna Watch newsletter that has district wide stats. "

a search for "Puna Watch Newsletter" got me this link, on Leilani Estate's webpage (looks like it covers all Puna, since it mentions both Fern Acres and Leilani) http://www.leilaniestates.org/#!newsletters/tmfrv

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RE: HI Acres crime stats - kalakoa - 07-15-2016

Leilani Estate's webpage

Comes up blank, for me.

Off-topic, here, but relevant: any "webpage" that requires javascript and broadband is simply not accessible to many Puna residents, which makes these a poor choice for actually "disseminating information".

WIX is especially bad. Compare/contrast with Punaweb -- despite being "primitive", it still works just fine on dialup (or fringe 3G) and a 10-year-old computer.

RE: HI Acres crime stats - leilanidude - 07-15-2016

Where could I find these kind of stats for Nanawale?

Call the Nanawale office: 965-8080


RE: HI Acres crime stats - Vic - 07-15-2016

Originally posted by leilanidude

Where could I find these kind of stats for Nanawale?

Call the Nanawale office: 965-8080


Thanks I did check the site before, i found it to be pretty active a few years ago but not so much recently and didnt find anything more than a general statement about crime from 7 years ago.. Ill def give em a call though. thanks

Cant wait to live in Puna!