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Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - Printable Version

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Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - Rob Tucker - 01-12-2008

I attended a Stacy Higa fundraiser in Pahoa today (Saturday). I did not know much about Stacy Higa and a face to face meeting, talk story and Q&A with one of our declared mayoral candidates was welcome.

It was fairly well attended. The people there were an interesting cross section of our district. I can't say they were all supporters. Some obviously were as they had Higa for Mayor t-shirts on. I assume that a number of those present were, like me, interested in knowing more.

Overall I think Stacy provided me with an unimpressive presence. For a council member with a few years under his belt (second term I think) he seemed to be remarkably uninformed on important topics and issues. He had answers to questions posed to him. It was the answers that had me shaking my head.

Very weak grasp of the Community Development Plan formation, function and operation. Very weak grasp of housing solutions. Considerable talk about placing substantial trust in unnamed future department heads. I will expect him to name some names in the course of this campaign.

I don't know whether he will ultimately become our Mayor. I do know he hasn't done his homework yet.

So. I have seen some Punaweb members gripe about the lack of national politics here on Punaweb.

Local elections are just getting going.

Fire away.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - John S. Rabi - 01-12-2008

Do we really need another "Old Boys Club" member as the next Mayor?! I don't think so.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - lquade - 01-13-2008

[V] likewise, non-impressive performance!! especially after someone as involved as harry has been for the last 30 years...

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - gtill - 01-13-2008

During the 70s, Kim was the man as civil defense leader. Wasen't here during his mayor stint, but what confirmed his stature to me was when he publicly took responsibility for the coqui mess. He was too used to saving lives than thhwarting an unknown threat of frogs. He needed better advisors than he had! Sure hope somone comes in from the outside of govt. we need new ideas!

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - Kapohocat - 01-13-2008

Where is Keiko Bonk when we need her?

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - ericlp - 01-13-2008

Don't need to go to a meeting to find out this guy was a goof....

All you gotta do is read his statements in the newspaper and you pretty much can come to that conclusion.

[Edited by moderator: I do not allow national politics to be injected into local discussions....way to distruptive.]

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - Rob Tucker - 01-13-2008

Yeah, Keiko Bonk got sabotaged by Harry Kim. I was looking forward to Keiko taking the helm after Yamashiro.

I gotta say, for a Puna guy, Harry hasn't done much of anything for Puna. His administration has pretty much given Puna the Big Yawn the same way Yamashiro did.

We need to pay attention to this county election cycle. Be prepared to get involved or quit complaining.

I gotta add: We Puna residents can complain and cry about how we are generally treated but we, as a community, have been enablers. We enable the county to shunt us aside by not paying attention and continually letting them get away with it. That's why Friends of Puna's Future is forming. To try to change that cycle.

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - JerryCarr - 01-13-2008

Harry Kim got elevated to sainthood for his Civil Defense work, but I agree with Rob that he hasn't done much for Puna since then. One of his chief assistants, Billy Kenoi, is running, but he hasn't given any public indication of just what his policies might be. Kenoi has roots in Puna, so we are justified in asking just what he plans to do about our issues. It's still somewhat early in the campaign, but all we hear from or about Kenoi is that he wants to help the youth and has a sense of humor. That sounds like a beauty pageant "platform."


RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - james weatherford - 01-13-2008

Yes, some serious talk story here and across the island is needed for this election.

Mr. Higa? ... we could do worse, I just can't imagine how!

Saint Harry Kim had me fooled for a while too -- however, after some direct conversations with him and a look under the surface, our good community will be paying for Harry's colossal mistakes for years to come. His term has been sheltered by the real estate boom that raised valuations and overflowed the County coffer$.
With real estate market prices already 50% of 2 years ago, and still falling, spare change is going to be hard to come by for the next Mayor.
Billy Kenoi has said he intends to pick up where Harry Kim left off -- that is almost as clueless as Stacy Higa.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

RE: Stacy Higa Fundraiser - I'm not sold. - John S. Rabi - 01-14-2008

I attended one of his fundraisers in Kona. He was surronded by his goons and behaved like he was John Gotti.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"