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Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - Printable Version

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Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - BillyB - 10-03-2016

Does anyone have real experience with local Personal Injury/ medical malpractice attorneys?

I was asked for advise and realized I know very little about them other than their ads. Even the lawyers I do know were reluctant to recommend anyone.

RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - shockwave rider - 10-03-2016

Like mechanics and plumbers, a cheap lawyer can be the most expensive one in the lone run, especially for Personal Injury cases with injuries that can have long term ramifications.

RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - Linchpin - 10-03-2016

My auto accident was handled by this guy:
Lionel Myer in Hilo

He was recommended to me, and I'll recommend him to others based on my experience with using him to look out for my best interests.

RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - opihikao - 10-03-2016

BillyB, I would venture to say Oahu has a better selection in this field. First two that comes to mind is Michael Green, and/or Rick Fried.

It is my understanding, these kinds of cases could work on a contingency basis, with no money "up front"; they only get paid if they win. Both of these lawyers, if they take the case (if the case is "solid"), would work on contingency basis. Be advised, they will ask for up to 40% (contigency fee) of any settlement (or more). That fee is also negotiable. Both are a "double edged sword", as their reputation depends on who you ask. However, their records do speak for themselves, and you have to kind of "like" your attorney (personal preference, comfort level, etc.).

Hope this helps, and I know there are others out there, but only had personal (ohana) experience with these two in Hawai'i.


RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - leilanidude - 10-03-2016

opihikao is correct in that most cases are done on contingency. If a lawyer wants an upfront fee for a personal injury case, the case most likely has a very low probability of success which is why they want money up front from you, to cover some of their costs in filing. In some cases, the likelihood of winning might be very high, but the person/entity you are filing suit against may not have the funds to pay - meaning.. why bother to do so, which is why the upfront fee is requested.

RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - Kenney - 10-03-2016

Aloha Billy B. In my experience, Medical Malpractice is a tough one to prove here. I had occasion to consider such action several years ago and decided I couldn't afford to pursue the matter. I have never heard of a Dr in Hawaii testifying against another. In order to get an "expert witness" it is necessary to "import" a Dr. from the mainland, pay his/her way, hotel, meals and another fee for time spent testifying. That was beyond my means, so I just ended up sucking it up and moving on, even though I knew wrong had been done to me.
I hope the person who inquired will find the support they need, receive justice, and heal.

RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - opihikao - 10-03-2016

Aloha ahiahi Kenny, well stated. Trust all is well with you. Have a lovely evening. [Smile]

leilanidude, good point (re: Even if the case is solid, there may not be funds to pay the injured party). Mahalo.


RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - Kenney - 10-03-2016

Aloha Opihikao! Long time... We're really good, thanks. Wishing you and yours well too!

I think this Medical Malpractice issue is a hard one here in Hawaii. The only time I see any official action taken is when someone, usually a child, dies.
Less drastic medical mistakes are usually left to the patient to dispute, (to no avail in my experience) The financial burden of proving a case here is beyond most people's reach.

RE: Personal Injury lawyers , Know a good one? - Guest - 10-04-2016

Anyone remember Dr. Stover ? The dentist and cosmetic guy ? He went down quick. I hope your reasons are not as horrible Billy.