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zeitgeist - Printable Version

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zeitgeist - Carolann R - 01-20-2008

I was talking to a friend at Maku'u Market today...he said we should check out this movie "Zeitgeist." Before the movie was over, Tony had me read the front page of todays newspaper... Have any of you seen this movie?

Just to add...it scared the crap outta me. Bigger than Michael Moore's documovies...very eye-opening!




"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

RE: zeitgeist - mella l - 01-21-2008

No comments? Must be early or like me I haven't been able to get into the film to see it. I'm all for being informed. Hope I didn't pick up a censorship virus somewhere along the line! LOL[:o)]

How do all these foreign words work their way into our vocabulary so easily and freely?

Here is one definition

ZeitĀ·geist (tstgst, zt-)
The spirit of the time; the taste and outlook characteristic of a period or generation:
"It's easy to see how a student . . . in the 1940's could imbibe such notions. The Zeitgeist encouraged Philosopher-Kings" James Atlas.

[German : Zeit, time (from Middle High German zt, from Old High German; see d- in Indo-European roots) + Geist, spirit; see poltergeist.]

RE: zeitgeist - Carolann R - 01-21-2008

We watched it on our computer last night Mella...holy smokes...scared me.

Try this link...I just went to it and it works great:




"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2