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Yellow flowered Ohia - Printable Version

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Yellow flowered Ohia - 1voyager1 - 11-17-2016

I was out "Tangoing" with the ants today.
First time in over 6 months now, and it still wasn't necessary yet.

Much to my amazement, I see yellow flowers on one of our Ohias.
At first, I wondered if it was a different species than our regular red flowered trees.
Everything I find tells me that we have only 1 species in this area with red, yellow and everything in between colored flowers.
I'll swear that this tree used to have red flowers.
But, I could be mistaken about that.

Can an Ohia's flowers change color from one season to another?
Or, are they just red, yellow or what ever shade for life?

I assume the yellow flowers do not give any innate resistance to ROD.
Is there any way to protect this tree from becoming infected with ROD?

I much prefer the red flowers, but would hate to lose this, somewhat unique to our lot, tree.

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - alaskyn66 - 11-18-2016

'The flowers are almost always red, though yellow, salmon, pink and white varieties can be found.'

Learned something new today.. i always thought they were just red.

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - fishenjim - 11-18-2016

I've got a yellow one in my yard, its one of the few of any colour still alive in that area and its really pretty

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - Midnight Rambler - 11-18-2016

Yellow is the second most common color, but it's quite rare in Puna and elsewhere on the windward side; I don't think I've ever seen one east of PTA on the saddle. Certain varieties seem to be almost always red while others are very commonly yellow or other colors. There are a lot of yellow-flowered ohia at Puu Waawaa. Ewa Forest Reserve on Oahu (Poamoho Trail) is a good place to see all different colors. Some of the yellow ones are pure yellow, and others fade to orange as they get old and wither. There are also some that have yellow stamens and red or orange pistils or vice versa.

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - Lee M-S - 11-18-2016

I heard that the white ones are extinct, or nearly so. Anybody know of one still around?

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - terracore - 11-18-2016

We have an ohia tree with bright yellow flowers right next to our house. When we moved in it was clear that the previous owners had been pruning it aggressively (sort of like an oversized bonzai) leading me to believe it was specifically planted. Unfortunately, we are not good pruners and I don't want a big ohia over our roof (catchment).

Somebody had told me about a garden (I think it was in Waimea) that has representatives of all the known ohia colors growing there and they described about a half dozen colors other than red and yellow (to the best of my recollection)

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - bananahead - 11-18-2016

they cant change colors....

2 of the 5 different species of Hawaiian Ohia (Metrosideros) can have Yellow flowers, the common one we all know, Metrosideros polymorpha found here in Puna, and also one found only on Oahu, Metrosideros macropus also can have Yellow flowers.... the other 3 Hawaiian species only have the red flowers...

the easiest place to find yellow ohia for cuttings is along Stainback Hwy between the Zoo and NKulani Rd, closer to NKulani Rd.. in some areas along the road its close to 50%/50% yellow/red..... they are usually blooming now in Nov too...
ps I have several in my yard wild and from cuttings, all types of Metrosideros polymorpha, smooth shinny lightgreen leaf type to rough hairy dull gray small leaf types, etc ... 4 of the yellows I have are wild and big at 35'-75' tall, the others are all from cuttings less than ten yrs old and are still smaller bushes now, tallest is 12'.... they are easy to grow from cutting or air layering


save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - bananahead - 11-18-2016

fwiw, the 'White Ohia' in Puna are usually just Paper Bark trees in bloom... not the same trees.. but the flowers look similar from 55 MPH in a rainstorm in the twilight.... aloha

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - birdmove - 11-18-2016

We have a yellow one at our place in HPP, and it seems to be doing well.

Jon in Keaau/HPP

RE: Yellow flowered Ohia - Carey - 11-18-2016

Metrosideros polymorpha has... well .. many forms (polymorpha) but everything I remember that I have seen points to one color variant per plant ... but I could easily have missed something that shows they can have more than one color...there are many colors, & there are even white ones still on record... not sure if the white were imported after contact (M. polymorphs is a tropic Pacific plant, so in not only from Hawaii) or arrived here by wing, water or waves much earlier...

However, every time I have thought I have seen a multi-color variant, close inspection reveals that the plant is actually 2 or more separate plants growing inter-twined.. or you might want to check if a previous landowner might have grafted color variant branches onto your ohia (neighbors here in town have done a lot of landscaping with horticulturally modified ohia) ???
Here are a couple of brief reads, If you really have an itchinn` to find out the most informed response, contact J. B. Friday...

names for the different color variants: