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Historic Weather Advancement - Printable Version

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Historic Weather Advancement - Ino - 11-18-2016

Historical Moment in weather forecasting advancement is almost here!!

All systems are a GO! Weather forecasts for Sat. 11-19 on the Space Coast of Florida look perfect!

GOES-R is scheduled to launch tomorrow 11-19 from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 5:42 EST, it’ll be 12:42 pm HST local time ;

I have been eagerly awaiting this for a very long time!!

In the wx forecasting world it comes down to Resolution, Resolution, Resolution.

With this new technology our ability to see wx systems will be 4 times better than we can now. That is an Amazing four times better!! We will be able to see much finer details and features.

The observations will be five times faster-this will be an incredible advancement..

Three times more spectral observations from different perspectives- infrared to visible. All this adds up to not just a slight improvement but a leaps and bounds one.

We are on the doorstep to an incredible increase in weather knowledge! IMO all wx forecasts will improve. Hurricane forecasting will be at least twice as good with the cone at least cut in half. Much improved intensity forecasts will also come.

Laura and Harry are right it will take some time to get this baby operational but IMO it will not take a year. I’m betting we’ll have it by our next hurricane season in 2017.

I’m going to a GOES-R party tomorrow where we hope to watch it’s launch. Keep your fingers crossed that nothing bad happens.

Then another incredible wx advancement takes place on Dec. 12th 2016. The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS);

is scheduled to launch. This will be another game changer and we’ll be able to measure winds inside a tropical cyclones even where heavy rain is falling, which we cannot do very well today. Even the planes that fly into tropical cyclones only provide a very small sample. This cutting edge technology will allow for GPS signals to measure surface wind speeds!! WOW!

We’ll also get much more frequent observations and from many different angles as eight micro satellites will be deployed. This will really help to forecast what the cyclones will do and their intensity!!! Should be a night and day difference.

We sure live in exciting times for weather forecasting!!

RE: Historic Weather Advancement - hikatz - 11-20-2016

Ino, if this news article is correct, the budget for this may be slashed?


RE: Historic Weather Advancement - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-20-2016

The launch of GOES-R, it's orbital insertion, and solar array deployment were all a success:

Let's hope that, if for no other reason, the operational budget will remain intact as the military at Hickam Air Force Base, and the Navy in Pearl Harbor can benefit by more accurate weather forecasts for their assets. Along with the rest of us, human beings, living in the islands.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen

RE: Historic Weather Advancement - Obie - 11-20-2016

"if this news article is correct, the budget for this may be slashed?"

No,the climate change satellites are different birds.