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The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - Printable Version

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The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - Guest - 03-26-2017

Really just starting a new thread here to discuss a couple different things.
For one, just how much this island has been changing recently. Both for the good and the bad, especially in Puna of late. Rob once mentioned on a previous thread that he thought the Ka'u, D.H area's were the last part of Hawaii that was like old Hawaii. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Rob on this statement. We will alway's feel very blessed to have been raised, lived, and started a family here in old Puna.

For two, The time has now come for a move elsewhere for our family. Would greatly appreciate any suggestions on any other cool places( states, cities, or small towns in the united states) that are worth living or experiencing. We are looking for Better Educational and Keiki opportunities as two of our main priorities to where we may move next. Mahalo in advance for any advice, opinions or suggestions.

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - PaulW - 03-26-2017

There would be better educational and keiki opportunities here if we didn't have people opposing any and all progress.
So after doing your best to wreck it here, off you go to somewhere else. Good luck on your travels.
Maybe try Baltimore.

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - glassnumbers - 03-26-2017

Thank you for saying this, Paul. Progress is really important, as is preservation. There's no need for them to be enemies.

I'll show aloha, since you didn't show it to me earlier Gypsy, I'll demonstrate it for you. What are you looking for? Cost of living? Arizona has plenty of jobs, and the cost of living is very low, and the temperature won't be too terrible for you. Best schools? Massachusetts. New Hampshire rates very highly as both an excellent place to raise a kid, with excellent schools.

Aloha Smile

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - leilanidude - 03-26-2017

My suggestion - move to a state with no state income tax. It makes a surprising difference.

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - SoCal_to_Hawaii - 03-26-2017

Agreed, but keep in mind the different types of State taxes as well. Some States tax earned income (from a job) but do not tax passive income (investments, interest). Look at the sales tax, not just the State, but the individual county/city add-ons. Does the State tax pensions,if you have one and are near that age. What about alcohol or tobacco tax, if you partake? Property tax, services/labor taxed? Etc.?

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-26-2017

Better Educational and Keiki opportunities as two of our main priorities

If those are your main criteria, Big Island has HPA, and Oahu has Punahou (as you didn't mention the importance of overall cost). One of Punahou's graduates did pretty well for himself, he was recently the leader of the free world.

If it's quality public education and affordable housing, there are quite a few places on the mainland that qualify. Do you have any other preferences to help narrow down the field? Warm weather? Specific type of job opportunities? Arts? Culture? A top ranked in-state college for your kids to attend after high school graduation?

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - Guest - 03-26-2017

Thank you all for your kind opinions and suggestions thus far.

PaulW, Your suggestion of Baltimore Md was spot on great, thank you. I have a very good friend of many years who has been a Dr at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for the past 25 years, He loves it there. The schools are good in most parts of Maryland and the majority of kids do go on to college which is a big plus. One draw back may be that it get's a bit cold for us as a family, being use to Hawaii weather now for so many years.

Glassnumbers, Mahalo to you for your time and reply. Please Don't feel so bad about some folks reply's to your situation and welcome to the Big Island. I lived around the D.H area for several years even learned how to play golf on their only golf course, loved the lifestyle at the time. Wish you and your mom good fortune on your adventure here to the big Isle and hope you find all the beaches and weed you need. Our situation and priorities for moving elsewhere may be different but as you may notice we both have a similar fan base at times on PWeb so it's not a haole, local or tourist thing.

Leilanidude, thank you for the kind suggestion regarding uncle sam's %.

As of Right now we are considering a few places in Oregon and Idaho out west. Also, Maryland and Pennsylvania back east. We have never been down south anywhere so states like Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee do seem like fun, outdoor, adventurous states that the family would enjoy. I know most of you here on PW have moved to Hawaii from other places for various reasons and I'm glad you can now call Hawaii your home. Any other suggestions or Opinions regarding any states i have mentioned above or elsewhere may be helpful for our next chapter of life, Thanks again.

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - Carey - 03-26-2017

East Tennessee has some of the lowest utility costs, NC has some great areas & fairly low cost of living...
There will always be an issue of cost of living costs & quality education... unfortunately they usually are at opposite ends

We moved here from an area with a fairly high cost of living, but had some of the nations premier public schools... if you think the costs are high here, it can be a lot higher - property tax rate there is over 10x the rate here (that is what paid for those premier public schools - the school tax portion of the tax bill of our old house is over $8k, on a property tax of over $10K, on a house of similar market value to the house we have here...with a total property tax of less than $500.....) & assessments more closely aligned to market value & no senior exemption, sales tax over 9%, & state income tax rate a little higher that Hawaii.... plus there was the need for heating utilities & no food grew in our yard, save for acorns....)

I wish you good luck in your search, but it won#699;t be easy to find a perfect combo....most likely there will be some difficult choices to be made down the road..

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - dmbwest - 03-26-2017

Gypsy, move over to Hilo, put your kids in public and supplement the rest with REAL WORLD education, JMO

But don't know your kids age so above might not apply ..

RE: The big Island has been changing quickly lately. - EricS. - 03-26-2017

You mentioned moving down south on the mainland.

I recently moved from CA (over 30 year resident) to good old Arkansas. (Little Rock)
I have lived here (Arkansas) for 4 years now. I will share monthly expenses....

I will give an average of bills for the year = yes, I saved all my bills and divided by 12 months......

Food = $200 month.
Electric = $50 month.
Gasoline = $75 "
Natural Gas = $39 "
House Insr. = $69 "
Prop. Tax = $38 "
Water Bill = $10 "
Sewer/Trash = $50 "
Land line Phone = $22 "
Internet = $25 "

TOTAL BILLS = $578.00.....................not bad for expenses.....

I also purchased home = all brick built in late 60's, 3 bd, 2 bath for $44K..............I have about $50K into it now.......That is just an average deal here for land and home purchase....

So come on down and enjoy the south. There is a home here with your name written all over it.....

Eric S.