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Just being real - Printable Version

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Just being real - EricS. - 04-10-2017

Fellow members,

Can I be real with you guys? I might be a newbie that lives on the mainland but I have been around on punaweb "lurking" for over 10 years on and off. I know there is no substitute for actually living on island. It is easy to act like you know the island with just a few short visits. But let me ask my question......

My question is=============I am a white male that would like to meet a nice local gal when on island full time when the time comes. I get the impression that local women are off limits to white men. I would like very much to meet a Hawaiian female and start a long term relationship with. I do understand that her family would more than likely need to give their blessing before anything "official" could happen.

I could go on and on about this,bottom line = Will I have a hard time finding that someone special of native Hawaiian mixture heritage?

People, be nice now. You know the point I am trying to make. If a nice boy meets a nice girl and they happen to be of different races, will the islanders throw rocks at them until they part ways or can they find a way to be happy together.


Eric S.

RE: Just being real - Rob Tucker - 04-10-2017

Aloha Eric,

Now watch me catch some flack for this.....

My advice is if you treat the local women better than the local men treat the local women, you have a reasonable shot. I will add that you could also treat the local men well too.

RE: Just being real - PaulW - 04-10-2017

Plenty of mainland men get together with local women. It doesn't always end well but then again that's the case on the mainland as well.
Just be a decent person, that's all you can do.

RE: Just being real - alaskyn66 - 04-10-2017

I see plenty of local men with white women too.

RE: Just being real - Kapoho Joe - 04-10-2017

I have seen this happen and usually one of two ways.

#1 way is that the white guy is really in tune with 'Island Life'. For example, he is a waterman (surfs, dives, fishes, paddles), or he is a good hunter, or a good farmer, or a good musician.

#2 way is the planet wide, time honored, surefire way - get plenty kala!

Best of luck in your quest.

RE: Just being real - kalakoa - 04-10-2017

get plenty kala!

What a wonderful basis for a relationship!

RE: Just being real - EightFingers - 04-10-2017

Like just about everything else, better get on the mainland and bring with you....

RE: Just being real - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-10-2017

There are more single men than single women on the Big Island.
There are more people than there are jobs on Big Island.
Oahu & Maui have more of everything.

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.

RE: Just being real - dmbwest - 04-10-2017

Good on ye Eric ... If you would not mind, please let us know how old / young you are.

RE: Just being real - alaskyn66 - 04-10-2017

Originally posted by pog

Good on ye Eric ... If you would not mind, please let us know how old / young you are.

Darn it..I was going to ask that question.

Reason being younger women have more ' fire' whereas older women are more mellow.. ( been married nineteen years ... trust me it makes a difference) culture, ethnicity have nothing to do with it... to much.. okay I lied, on that part.