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Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - Printable Version

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Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - LastTangoInPuna - 08-27-2017

Aloha everyone,

First let me thank Rob Tucker for giving me permission to post this on Puna web.

On Thursday August 24 Ernest Jackson was killed while riding his motorcycle on highway 130 in Pahoa, leaving behind his wife and three children.

Starting in 2004 Ernest and I were building and business partners. We closed the company during the crash, but continued to work on various projects for the next decade. He was truly my closest friend.

I started this gofundme page to help his wife with the loss of her champion and breadwinner. She is exceptionally strong, and will make her way forward, but in the near term, bills still need to be covered.

It is amazing to see how many people were touched by Ernest's warmth and smile. If you were one of those people who knew Ernest, or if you would like to help a family in need, I humbly ask that you to consider donating to this campaign.

Thank you,
Kevin Horton


RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - TomK - 08-27-2017

Done. Thank you for setting this up.

RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - LastTangoInPuna - 08-27-2017

Thank you Tom!

RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - TomK - 08-27-2017

I'll pass this onto people at work. I'm not on facebook so can't help share there, but maybe a few people I know also met the guy.

The first time I met him was some time ago at Safeway in a long line. He was behind me and I asked why he was so happy - I can't quote his entire response as I've forgotten it, but it was along the lines of "I'm happy all the time and there are some cool people in this line". I'll never forget it.

I also met him again in Keaau and he still had that extraordinary smile and we again had a short but very enjoyable conversation. All I thought of at the time is that people like him brighten up everyone's day and wanted to know the guy better. It's so sad he's left us. He brightened up everyone's day. What a horrible loss for his family and the community and, obviously, you. My thoughts are with all of you.

RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - LastTangoInPuna - 08-27-2017

That was Ernest, he was like a 1000 watt light bulb. Thanks for sharing at work.

RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - TomK - 08-27-2017

It's done. I know most people at work are on facebook so hoping they will spread the word there and help out his family. It might take a day or so as it's late on a Sunday. Again, thanks for doing this.

RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - OrchidIslander - 08-28-2017

Done, as well. I heard about the fatality, but only learned today that the victim was Ernest. I am stunned and sad - big time. Over the past 13 years our paths had crossed sporadically. Always, and I mean always, that bright and genuine smile of his was front and center. It could have been years since our last meeting, yet he was as jovial and regular as ever. The guy had the joy of life in him and I never, ever heard him speak negatively of anyone. He was very much representative of the type of person who made me feel glad that I moved here. My sincere condolences to his family and to his friends. I am so glad that I knew him.

Mike in HPP

RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - TomK - 08-28-2017

This is from a friend and colleague:

"Thanks Tom. Living just one neighborhood over from Ernest, I am feeling the community grieving a lot from his passing. He helped build a lot of the houses in my neighborhood, and many of my friends knew him well. I had seen him around for years, but never knew him personally. Such a tragedy."

RE: Support for the family of Ernest Jackson - LastTangoInPuna - 08-29-2017

Thank you Mike!

The Celebration of Life will be this Saturday at Kalani Honua down on the Red Road, from 1-4. There will be light pupus, 70's dance music (his fav) and a remembrance of what he brought to life.

There will also be a silent auction to benefit the family. If anyone would like to donate something for the auction, you can contact me here, or at kalapana100@yahoo.com

Kevin Horton