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Ride Share Cooperative?? - Printable Version

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Ride Share Cooperative?? - DoryGray - 10-22-2017

There seems to be a need for transport/rides between Hilo and Kona. The bus is not an option unless you want to leave at 3AM. So the thought occurred that an informal group could be formed to trade rides. I'm willing to coordinate, since my self interest is what prompted this idea. For 14 years, I've usually flown out of Kona for less expensive (up to $100) direct nonstop flights. Rides have been found on Craigs list, friends or when there was taxi sharing in Kona, the bus. It would be mutually beneficial if one could give rides to Kona when going there anyway and later get a ride when needed. The doubters may naysay and nitpick, but anyone else interested in brainstorming? BTW, need a ride Dec. 12 [Big Grin] but willing to return ride anyone between now and then.

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - randomq - 10-23-2017

IMHO, a co-op sounds ideal, but is very hard to coordinate in practice. Puna people especially like living by their own schedule. I would suggest creating a list of drivers and rates, and simply paying for rides. Even if it's just gas and lunch money, it would be more incentive than the vague promise of a future ride.

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - kalakoa - 10-24-2017

a list of drivers and rates, and simply paying for rides

There's an app for that...

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - randomq - 10-24-2017

Except uber will run you $180, and has an out-of-state middleman siphoning the profits.

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - eigoya - 10-24-2017

I pick up or drop off once a month in Kona but a one way car rental today was 30 dollars; however, on 12/20 it's 106. Hard to coordinate with others as I often leave from work

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - DoryGray - 10-24-2017

The cheapest rental I've seen is $120. basic price $33, add fees, dropoff, taxes, etc. What if there was a Facebook page where people cold sign up on a calendar?

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - eigoya - 10-24-2017

Costcotravel doesn't have additional fees.

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - kalakoa - 10-25-2017

has an out-of-state middleman siphoning the profits

Same with renting a car or taking the bus.

What if there was a Facebook page where people cold sign up on a calendar?

Like I said ... there's an app for that...

I've usually flown out of Kona for less expensive (up to $100) direct nonstop flights.

After 2-3 hours + costs to Kona -- each way -- is it still "less expensive"?

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - randomq - 10-25-2017

I think the point is to find other cash poor but time rich people that at least kinda need to go that way anyway, and give them just enough incentive to take you too.

RE: Ride Share Cooperative?? - leilanidude - 10-25-2017

There shouldn't be any dropoff fee if you are going from Hilo to Kona. I routinely pay around $35. Rent from an off-airport location/company or you get dinged with the airport fees.