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the price of solar just went up - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: the price of solar just went up (/showthread.php?tid=19124)

the price of solar just went up - kalakoa - 01-22-2018


30% tarriff on solar panels and modules.

Ironically, this was requested by Suniva to "protect" the domestic solar industry ... before they went bankrupt last year.

RE: the price of solar just went up - Tink - 01-22-2018

Naah, just catering to "Big Oil", along with releasing drilling rights.

Community begins with Aloha

RE: the price of solar just went up - ericlp - 01-22-2018

I figured he was trying to bring back "coal" ... Smile

But, the guy, just doesn't understand science or solar for that matter. He is against clean energy.

I wonder how long it will take to see the prices go up. Moving in the wrong direction...as usual.

RE: the price of solar just went up - Chas - 01-23-2018

Get it right. That’s “beautiful clean coal”.
[Big Grin]

RE: the price of solar just went up - randomq - 01-23-2018

So where do I get these new coal panels to replace my communist solar?