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No Coco Palms for you! - Printable Version

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No Coco Palms for you! - TomK - 02-16-2018

There's the TMT and now there's this on Kauai:


"Developers rebuilding a storied, hurricane-ravaged Hawaii hotel with a Hollywood connection were looking forward to the Coco Palms' rebirth when two men showed up last year, claiming to own the property because they descend from King Kaumualii, the last ruler of Kauai."

RE: No Coco Palms for you! - bluesboy - 02-17-2018

who needs it really?

and what does Elvis have to do with anything, as if that's more nostalgic than actual hawaiians living in hawaii.

RE: No Coco Palms for you! - Rob Tucker - 02-17-2018

Its a great location.

RE: No Coco Palms for you! - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 02-17-2018

claiming to own the property because they descend from King Kaumualii, the last ruler of Kauai."

I am a descendant of Adam & Eve. Little known fact - - Hawaii was the real, original location of the Garden of Eden. Through bible verses, numerology, and a questionable sense of direction I can prove it. As you may remember, we were cast out maybe 6000 years ago (thereabouts) which is why a 1000 some years ago folks arrived to find the islands unpopulated by humans.

I claim my right to get back to the garden. Please don't cloud and complicate the issue by pointing out other people are also descendants of Adam & Eve, or the garden may have been bought and sold over the years. I claim my right.

Recycle Puna. Humans, although probably not you personally, have already left 400,000 pounds of trash on the moon. - YouTube's Half As Interesting

RE: No Coco Palms for you! - kalakoa - 02-17-2018

and what does Elvis have to do with anything

C'mon. Everyone knows Elvis was the first to climb Mauna Kea; He also created the vast subdivisions-without-roads -- considered them unnecessary, since He can fly.

RE: No Coco Palms for you! - Seeb - 02-17-2018

It is a great spot, the locals there miss it.
Which is better a hotel generating jobs and income or a squatters camp.
It wasn’t but a few years ago that the state had to cancel school on Fridays because it was broke. Chasing away investors seems a stupid idea.

RE: No Coco Palms for you! - Kapoho Joe - 02-17-2018

It may be stupid but it's the Hawaiian way! Slow or stop development at every turn in the hopes that everything will stay same same. Change is inevitable, even here in Hawaii

RE: No Coco Palms for you! - TomK - 02-22-2018

According to this site, the protesters have been evicted from the Coco Palms property. Let's forget the "Elvis" stuff, that's just to get people going to the site. I'm helping with that as well! At least this is the latest info I can find.


RE: No Coco Palms for you! - SBH - 02-23-2018

I saw Elvis at Kehena Beach last week, not a pretty sight.


RE: No Coco Palms for you! - kalakoa - 02-23-2018

Slow or stop development at every turn

It costs the protestors nothing; the rest of us get three tax increases: once to pay for "enforcement", again to pay for "their day in court", and a third time to cover the revenue lost because the tax base was prevented from expanding.