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Are water wells posable in Fern Forest? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Are water wells posable in Fern Forest? (/showthread.php?tid=1931)

Are water wells posable in Fern Forest? - elmerfudd2 - 03-05-2008

How far down is the water table? Is the water there safe to drink? What will I need to treat the water?

RE: Are water wells posable in Fern Forest? - gtill - 03-05-2008

Mr Diamond only drills to or around 400'. FF is 3,000 so a big rig, and a shared expense would be necesary, and results not guaranteed. However a hui of residents below the holes would be possible!

RE: Are water wells posable in Fern Forest? - Carey - 03-05-2008

Anything is possible, after all the deepest water well (4,000' deep) in the world is on this island, at Pu'u Wa'awa'a. Is it practical? Probably not.... Unless there is a perched water table (usually a volcanic dike causes this in HI) You are looking at drilling a well somewhere around 2,000' (give or take a few hundred, depending on your elevation within the subdivision)
Daniel Diamond will probably have more info.
Catchment water is normally used in your area. The water is not bad, & can easily be made totally potable (with filters & UV light)
(Well water on island, if it is feasable, is very good (some of the best in the world)

RE: Are water wells posable in Fern Forest? - elmerfudd2 - 03-05-2008

The altitude is 2200 ft.