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Outer Space Internet Service For Puna - Printable Version

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Outer Space Internet Service For Puna - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-30-2018

For those of you who would prefer a choice of more than one internet provider, or access to to a service with fiber optic speeds, help is on the way. The FCC granted a license for SpaceX to launch over 4000 low earth orbit satellites next year to provide lightning fast internet speeds across the planet. Starlink Internet service is expected to begin in 2019. For anyone who's compromised their living situation for Internet access, it may be worth keeping an eye on Starlink's coverage area and pricing. Soon, it might be possible to stream Downton Abbey from under a blue tarp anywhere on the island.


If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms

RE: Outer Space Internet Service For Puna - terracore - 03-31-2018

I wonder if SpaceX is somehow isolated from Tesla's impending bankruptcy?

RE: Outer Space Internet Service For Puna - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-31-2018

Tesla's impending bankruptcy

They're separate companies. Just like his new endeavor, NeuroLink, a brain-computer interface.

It will be interesting to see if Elon Musk offers some form of net neutrality with the new service. After all, he's not aligned with a TV network, or other content provider at the moment, so would have no competitors to block with slower speeds. StarLink space internet with net neutrality built in would be a fantastic selling point.

Update on Net Neutrality
In the meantime, there is an effort afloat to block the FCC's internet throttling decision last year. If you go to the website at the link below, you can read what's happening and what you can do. Especially if you're a small business:

Over the past few months, we’ve seen that direct pressure from business owners is one of the most effective methods of convincing Republican lawmakers to support net neutrality, and we need to get at least one more GOP senator on our side in order to win a vote in Congress to block the FCC’s December repeal."
