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A message of Peace - Printable Version

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A message of Peace - Rob Tucker - 03-08-2008

This just happened this morning....

I went out to my farm and found that my gate had, for the first time ever, been vandalized. Grafitti to be specific. Haven't seen much grafitti around so far which is something I liked about Puna.

So while I was considering the fact that I had another chore to do I tried to make out just what was spray painted on my place. Through the drips and runs I finally made it out.

It said" "Peace".

Ain't that sweet?

RE: A message of Peace - StillHope - 03-08-2008

Sorry to hear that,Rob!
Something that if told by some "origami" on the forum I wouldn't believe.Any cameras in the neighborhood?

RE: A message of Peace - Guest - 03-08-2008

Remember what you told me at the skate park about the graffiti?

At least it didn't say F... Y.. !

Maybe you were tagged by this group

Today in History
Wasp-like parasites are introduced to Hawai'i in an effort to fight the mango fruit fly discovered in the islands the previous year, 1947.

RE: A message of Peace - Rob Tucker - 03-08-2008

Yeah, Like I said:

Ain't that sweet?

If you're going to graffitti something at least a punatic will leave a message of peace.

Damon, I enjoyed the link. You are truly hot when it comes to surfing up the net and finding stuff.

RE: A message of Peace - Guest - 03-08-2008

Rob -

I'm pretty sure now that it "might" be related to this

It's just too coincidental. [:0]

Good thing it wasn't something else though. I'm just assuming though. I mean the coincidence that a graffiti artist would do a "peace" sign so close to the "World Day of Prayer".

Today in History
Wasp-like parasites are introduced to Hawai'i in an effort to fight the mango fruit fly discovered in the islands the previous year, 1947.