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bus system literally losing cash - Printable Version

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bus system literally losing cash - kalakoa - 05-04-2018


Cash handling at the county Mass Transit Agency was so lax, the legislative auditor can't tell if any money is missing, much less how much. ... They found, in addition to cash shortages, cash overages, leading to the conclusion that not all passenger trips are recorded. It's hard to reconcile the accounts, they said, because they don't know how many trips were made.


RE: bus system literally losing cash - punaticbychoice - 05-04-2018

Which bargaining unit do these employees belong to?
Are they HGEA, UPW or what?
Yes kalakoa, sigh indeed.
Our tax dollars at work?

RE: bus system literally losing cash - glassnumbers - 05-04-2018

i wonder whewre all the money is going, is it menehune?

Aloha Smile

RE: bus system literally losing cash - Kapoho Joe - 05-04-2018

Just par for the course out here in HelpYourselfHawaiiCounty Links.

RE: bus system literally losing cash - Mimosa - 05-05-2018

Being funneled over to pay for the FAIL RAIL on Oahu no doubt .

RE: bus system literally losing cash - ericlp - 05-05-2018

More like pay for the mayors raise and incompetence to do his job...no doubt.

RE: bus system literally losing cash - kalakoa - 05-05-2018

The irony being: studies are able to quote a specific dollar amount needed to subsidize each bus trip -- but we don't really know how many trips are being made, or how much money is involved.

Meanwhile, we're supposed to believe "the problem" is that the bus system is underfunded, and "all we have to do is" pass a GET increase and give all that revenue to the bus system.

As usual, I'm left feeling that I've missed my calling: the consultants always get paid to produce studies, whether or not any of their suggestions are implemented...