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Where to find Big Surf - Printable Version

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Where to find Big Surf - HADave - 01-31-2006

Where, when the surf is high, should one go to see the biggest and best waves and how big can one expect them to be? I read advisories from north and east facing shores sometimes to 30 ft. Are there safe places to observed these monster waves.


RE: Where to find Big Surf - leilaniguy - 01-31-2006

Anywhere on the HPP coastline, at Kaloli, Paradise Ala Kai or Ala Heiau, somtimes waves get big enough to smash windows and toss boulders into the oceanfront houses. Also at Hawaiian beaches oceanfront park. Stay above the vegetation line for safety sake. There are big waves in Hilo Harbor too, the water sometimes comes over the highway downtown. Depending on storm location and direction, the Kalapana coast can have big waves too, easy to see just about anywhere along Red rd.

RE: Where to find Big Surf - leilaniguy - 03-01-2006

Was in downtown Hilo yesterday, Bayfront Highway was closed due to high surf washing over the road, 8-12 feet waves. There were big long curls coming over the breakwater, windy and raining hard. Paper said same conditions today.

RE: Where to find Big Surf - pam jones - 03-01-2006

It's all a lie! There is no big surf here! Why, it's flat as a lake! Texas has bigger waves in the middle of the summer! Concave might be a better description! So tell everybody you meet who owns a surfboard and especially the ones who want to come here and rent a surfboard to just go to Oahu, yeah the north shore, about this time of year actually. Good waves there! Better than good, great!! So pass it on. No surf on the big island flat flat flat. Epecially Pohoiki and Hono...(if you don't already know the rest of the word I'm not gonna tell you, parking is already a nighmare there). Remember NO BIG SURF ON THE BIG ISLAND.Pam2

RE: Where to find Big Surf - leilaniguy - 03-01-2006

Jeeze Pam your right! I must have licked a Bufo last night.... Smile

RE: Where to find Big Surf - John S Rabi - 03-01-2006

Surf?! What surf? There is no ocean here! Smile

John S. Rabi
Typically Tropical Properties

RE: Where to find Big Surf - Royall - 03-01-2006

If everyone started believing this “stuff” John would be out of business!


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