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Making purchases bacause of the festivities - Printable Version

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Making purchases bacause of the festivities - 1voyager1 - 06-05-2018

M'Lady says that Wally's World is packed with people getting set up for housekeeping in a new place.
I am absolutely amazed with the service Amazon has given since it went SHTF.
I was never much of an Amazon fan, but used them because of pricing as long as I was not in any hurry for it.
Beginning with my order for respirators and filters and every order since, there have been several, they have cranked them out and gotten them on the way within a day or two.
Absolutely amazing!
They have not once done their usual "sit on it for a week or so" method.
We'll see how long it lasts, though.

RE: Making purchases bacause of the festivities - knieft - 06-05-2018

I agree. Coincidence perhaps. Just getting things to Hawaii fixed, or is amazon.com doing a favor...?

I always ask at Home Depot and Ace if they have more or less business but get no answer that reveals.

When you have a hose only or even toting, this item is remarkably useful and obscenely cute:


I suspect that 7-11 tacquitos are having an upsurge because of “dining” on the run as well, but that just might be me. Wink One’s eating habits sure change as an evac. ( Surely there is a new urban dictionary slang such?)

Good thread, 1v1. You may not be as antisocial as you think. Wink At least here on punaweb. Thanks for continuing to share...and when/if you bail you might be surprised that most folks, probably including your loved one’s friends, allow a hermit mode without much backwash...
