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New Pond & beach in Puna? - Printable Version

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New Pond & beach in Puna? - descodave - 08-10-2018

Is there a new pond & a black sand beach somewhere in the new lava flow? We saw something on the news from Ikika Marsden. Is this true? Where is this?

RE: New Pond & beach in Puna? - Alex - 08-10-2018

Pohoiki now has black sand beach :


RE: New Pond & beach in Puna? - ironyak - 08-11-2018

There are several stretches of black sand beaches along the ocean entries. The pond mentioned is in Kapoho, near the old Champagne Ponds. However, whether these features remain through a season of high waves remains to be seen. Hopefully CD will drop the safety wrapping on the areas and we can get a glimpse for ourselves before the changes come.


RE: New Pond & beach in Puna? - kalakoa - 08-11-2018

Only $5000 to visit!

RE: New Pond & beach in Puna? - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 08-11-2018

Only $5000 to visit!

Years ago, when I visited Samoa, a beautiful beach was recommended to me as a must see. It was named $2 Beach. When asked why, it was explained that the people living directly behind the beach would come out and ask, rather collect, $2 from each swimmer.

I think that’s as good a way as any to name Puns’s new beach kalakoa, $5000 Beach.

“We have knowledge that beyond the border there is a wonderful beauty, a space for beauty, for greatness […] if perhaps you can believe in it, if you have such an experience, your life is a little bit changed.” - László Krasznahorkai

RE: New Pond & beach in Puna? - Alex - 08-12-2018

Warm Pond in Pohoiki:
