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Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - Printable Version

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Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - DoryGray - 08-24-2018

Horrible domestic violence in Kalapana. https://local.nixle.com/alert/6765152/?sub_id=9557248

RE: Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - randomq - 08-24-2018

What a f-ing loser.

RE: Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - ElysianWort - 08-24-2018

worthy of Guillotine justice.

RE: Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - Chunkster - 08-24-2018

This is more horrifically brutal than the usual thuggery in Puna. Can we hope that, just this once, one of the patsy local judges sends the creep to the AZ desert for 25 years? Nah, won't happen.

RE: Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - DoryGray - 08-24-2018

Chunk, that's why I posted it & plan to follow it. Now, he's being held at the Hilo cellblock in lieu of $465,000 bail, which is good.

RE: Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - Chunkster - 08-24-2018

Yes, Dory, that's a start. At least they didn't let this one go "pending further investigation."

RE: Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - Ashley - 08-25-2018

I heard that Seaview is pretty nice and safe.May be not ?

RE: Cleaver domestic attack Seaview - AaronM - 08-25-2018

Life in prison. Nothing more, nothing less.