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Container - Printable Version

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Container - TVfarm - 09-14-2018

Dear all,

We are looking for a 20’ or 40’ container to use as a storage, does anybody have good plan or address?


Don't Worry Be Happy

RE: Container - Seeb - 09-14-2018

there is a fair amount of info on the builders forum. Two places on the east side that sell - there in a the yellow pages

RE: Container - TVfarm - 09-14-2018

Thank you Seeb, I will have a look

Don't Worry Be Happy

RE: Container - dan d - 09-15-2018

Craigslist and u can contact yb and matson for ones they are damaged?

Dan D

RE: Container - terracore - 09-15-2018

We bought a 40 footer here in 2011: http://www.bigislandcontainer.com/

Regardless of where you buy, I recommend Conen's for transport and dropping.