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Gated Community - Printable Version

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Gated Community - waawaawah - 10-09-2018

Front page Tribune. Leilani considering Gated Community. Will "they" ever learn. Kapoho Beach Lots, RIP

RE: Gated Community - 1voyager1 - 10-09-2018

For several years now, there has been a faction of owners in LE that have pushed for gating the subdivision.
The changes to Leilani Ave. have given impetus to that movement again.
Now that Leilani Ave. is covered and blocked by the lava flow, it has become, in effect, a cul-de-sac.
One way in and one way out.
The lava flow has instilled fear into the minds of many of the residents that is overflowing into areas other than lava flows.
The BOD is talking with the county trying to obtain control of that roadway.

To understand all the problems with gating Leilani Ave., you have to know the history of the subdivision and the portions not within the HOA.
I'm not going into that bucket of worms here.
It's too complicated.
There is Section 1 at the upper end of Leilani Ave at the junction with 130.
It is not a part of the HOA.
They have no CCRs to comply with.
Then, there is Section 2, the bulk of the subdivision that composes the HOA.
There is also an unrecognized Section 3, a group of 29 lots along the middle of the southern edge of the subdivision.
All access to these lots is through the HOA's streets.
They are not within the HOA and also have no CCRs to comply with.

The BOD is trying to woo Section 1 into joining the HOA by bribing them with the paving of their streets and grandfathering their non compliance to the CCRs until the properties are sold.
If they can talk them into joining the HOA, and the county gives the HOA control of Leilani Ave., they want to place a gate at the intersection with 130.

They are stirring up concerns about looters, squatters, looky-loos and others coming into the subdivision.
They're also trying to obtain some potential gains in property values by being in a gated community.
Right now, everyone sees their property as having no value.
They're probably right.
But as usual, that will change as non resident visitors see the low property prices and begin buying and driving prices back up again.
Just as they have always done, present owners included.

Problems to be surmounted with gating:
The county has only offered to give caretaker status of LA to the HOA.
Placing a gate on LA will cost several $100ks between actual costs and all the hoops that will need to jumped through to accomplish it.
The county will need to give the HOA actual ownership of the road before it is feasible to gate it.
Otherwise, they can come back in and take their road back anytime they want.
The gate would have to be removed in that case turning all the expenditures into a waste.

They are getting their OK to proceed with planning for this from "emergency conditions" that need to be dealt with now, according to the shyster they have retained for advice in their present actions.
Before anything can actually happen though, it will take an actual vote of the property owners in the HOA.
While I do not know for sure, I think it will take a 60% majority, as with changes in CCRs to accomplish this.
Right now, they are working from raised hand votes from owners[and non owners] that are attending the special meetings, a very small percentage of the actual owners within the HOA.
They are nothing more than advisory votes given by only those that attended the meetings, owners or not.

I have respect for the BOD members and think that they are doing the best they can under very difficult circumstances.
They are well meaning.
In spite of that, I disagree with them vehemently on this subject.
There seems to be a large number of owners that also do not agree with this plan.

This has touched on only a very small portion of the subject and is very incomplete in the information contained.
It could happen.
But, I think it is very unlikely as long as the opposition stays informed and follows the process as it progresses.

RE: Gated Community - MarkD - 10-09-2018

"Leilani considering Gated Community. Will "they" ever learn. Kapoho Beach Lots, RIP"

Interesting topic. Kapaho's privatopia was created on a site, Kapoho Bay, that should have been a park, or been developed so as to allow ample shoreline access (laterally.)

Not be a gated community.

Leilani was created in a place with no compelling reason for outsiders to visit for hiking purposes that has evolved to a site of great public interest. Leilani now has good reason to become gated.

It looks like Fissure 8 can also be accessed from the north side. It's a much longer walk, but so be it.


Idea: The state or county should use eminent domain to buy Fissure 8 and an access corridor.

RE: Gated Community - 1voyager1 - 10-09-2018

The state and/or county should keep their noses completely out of LE.
They have screwed up too many thing so far in trying to deal with this lava flow.
They have shown nothing in their actions that instills confidence in their ability to do anything properly.
Unless, it has to do with lining someone's pockets at another's expense.
See how the lava viewing site down at the "Y" fares before turning them lose in LE.
I have little doubt they'll screw that up soon.

RE: Gated Community - KeaauRich - 10-09-2018

So let me see if I understand this...the County is considering turning a County roadway over to a homeowner's association so that the homeowner's association can install a gate to restrict traffic on the private road. But all the other subdivisions must keep their private roads open to all traffic- gates not allowed. Once again George Orwell was right..all the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

RE: Gated Community - leilanidude - 10-09-2018

In spite of that, I disagree with them vehemently on this subject.
There seems to be a large number of owners that also do not agree with this plan.
I agree with you on this.

RE: Gated Community - MarkD - 10-10-2018

It's going to be a mess for Leilani residents. Imagine living in a small subdivision on a boring lava field 3/4 mile from the ocean. Your subdivision road is the only access. No one but residents and their visitors enters. No reason for them to.

And a cataclysmic earth quake drops a giant section of lava into the ocean, leaving new features just 75 yards from the subdivision: a giant tide pool for swimming, a surfing spot.

And now 500-1000 people per day seek entry into the subdivision. That's the probable number of tourists and other lava viewers (maybe more) who will enter Leilani for Fissure 8 viewing, if the county does not create alternate access.

The map shows how much closer Fissure 8 is to Leilani than to the "Y", the proposed viewing site. Are officials willing to put in a new road right up to the Fissure cone? If not, social media will tell people the best Fissure 8 viewing is through Leilani.


RE: Gated Community - benny - 10-10-2018

I plan to stay informed and get involved.

We don't need to gate Leilani. Access is a pain in the butt without Leilani as a through street. We don't need annual assessments going from $100 a year to $1000 a year or more. Fissure 8 and the lava river will be a hard-core hikers kinda of attraction, not the kind of attraction the champagne pond, marine sanctuary, and Ahalanui were - more like Lava Trees. If the state / county want to develop access and parking that doesn't have the busses going up and down side streets, great. Pay the owners for it.

It's a pain in the ass enough to get to my property now, I don't want to have to "mother may I" anyone who is only working 9-3 on Monday and Wednesday to get in there, especially if they are volunteers. If anyone has any evidence of looting, let them bring it forward now backed by evidence and knock the fear mongering the f*** off.


RE: Gated Community - leilanidude - 10-10-2018

Imagine living in a small subdivision on a boring lava field 3/4 mile from the ocean.
You surely are not talking about Leilani? 3/4 mile from the ocean? Do you really live here?

RE: Gated Community - glinda - 10-10-2018

For several years now, there has been a faction of owners in LE that have pushed for gating the subdivision.

For years, decades, there have been communities that have wished for gates only to be told.. by the county.. that it can not happen. There are people whose private property is overrun daily by tourists trying to get somewhere, to a beach, to a waterfall, that would have the peace and quiet they deserve restored with a gate. But, as long as it is on a county owned road it will not happen. County roads are for everyone. If the county were to change their policy and grant Leilani the right to put up a gate they, the county, would find themselves in court in the blink of an eye. Which, I imagine, is a greater motivator than the personal interests of a few property owners in Leilani. Especially when you consider the value of the properties the county has consistently denied the right to put up a gate compared to those in Leilani.