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HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - Printable Version

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HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - ElysianWort - 11-01-2018


I called my friend a few minutes ago and he said he was down town just now checking them out.

Although it's much too hot of a day for them to leave chem-trails contrails today.

RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - Obie - 11-01-2018

They are actually out flying around right now.Making hard left turns after takeoff they did leave chemtrails.

RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-01-2018

Two of them flew right over me near Ken’s on their approach for landing.
Really something, maneuvered like race cars of the sky.
Didn’t see the chemtrails, but I guess it’s gonna start raining any minute now, right?

RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - 1voyager1 - 11-01-2018

I saw them [F-22s] at an airshow at Elmendorf right after they were first deployed there.
The pilot brought it in low and slow, then hovered standing on its tail.
I was impressed.
More so than back In '85.
I was working a construction contract at Eilson near Fairbanks. They has an air show also.
An F-15 was flown over from Elmendorf for an exhibition.
They flew it over low and slow, stood it on its tail, then immediately shot to 15k' in a matter of seconds.
It looked like a jet engine with a saddle strapped on it.
The F-22 was a much more delicately controlled demonstration of ability.

RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - Obie - 11-01-2018

Just Left the airport.Impressive machines but I'm a retired aircraft mechanic so I like noisy flying machines.

RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - leilanidude - 11-01-2018

If you ever get a chance to go to an airshow in which the F-22 Raptor Demo Team is flying... do it, and I don't mean a National Guard unit flying them.

RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - Punatic007 - 11-02-2018

Wow, they are beautiful! Technology at it's finest. The pilots and mechanics were great out and about talking to all of us gawkers even if they did keep us at a distance from the crafts.

I tried to tell the protesters when they got in my face, it's a cruel world out there and not only do we need these awesome creatures we are blessed beyond measure to live in a country as safe and affluent as this one. Of course they disagreed, some of us need a little extra time to grow up and get a reality check.

RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - dan d - 11-03-2018

I was there when they taxied in,and parked and sat idling at low power.WOW IT WAS LOUD!
Ears still felt it hours later. I was in awe. Kinda like the time i saw the sr71 black bird at Pt Magu air show. What a strange trip its been. Thanks to the nat gurd for keeping us safe.


RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - Obie - 11-03-2018

Yesterday when they took off the 3rd guy leveled off, accelerated and then abruptly pulled up into a vertical climb to about 1000ft and then leveled off and rolled 90 degrees to the left and entered a high g turn.The wing vortices were pretty nest.

Here's an F/A-18.


RE: HI air guard F-22 Raptors make stop in Hilo - SBH - 11-03-2018

Originally posted by dan d

I was in awe. Kinda like the time i saw the sr71 black bird at Pt Magu air show.

My grandfather was the Chief Inspector responsible for the SR71 and U2 spy planes in Lockheed’s Skunk Works from 1943 to the 70’s. Kelly Johnson's right hand man.