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Lots of calls from “800” service - Printable Version

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Lots of calls from “800” service - EightFingers - 11-06-2018

Getting them all the time now, they never leave a message.
Anyone else getting these?

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-06-2018

It’s a robo call with a fake virtual caller I.D. number.
If you don’t pick up, or if it goes to voice mail, the computer generated dialer is capable of detecting that a live human didn’t answer, so it disconnects & autodials the next call on their programed list.
They’ll call back a few times, sometimes with the same number, often with another fake number I.D.

NEVER PRESS A NUMBER TO BE “TAKEN OFF THEIR LIST.” When you do that you’ve informed them that your number works, and they’ll sell that number to another telemarketer. They’re determined to make money off of you one way or the other.

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - Rob Tucker - 11-06-2018

Yeah, I've been getting several a day. I have slowed it down some by blocking each number when I hang up.

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - Obie - 11-06-2018

Don't you have caller ID ?

I don't answer the the phone unless a friends name comes up, otherwise they can leave a message or voicemail.

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - EightFingers - 11-06-2018

Yes I have caller I.D. and I block the calls, but they just call from a different 800 number.....

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - ElysianWort - 11-07-2018

There's an app for that.

This is a new thing. Saw it just a few days ago. I found it very funny that the app actually wastes their time without bothering you one bit.


RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - Chas - 11-07-2018

Thanks for the link. Halfway down the page there’s an audio of how it works. It’s hilarious!

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - kalianna - 11-07-2018

Are you on Facebook? My husband and I have have our phones on the same account. He's on Facebook, I'm not. He gets tons of robo calls, I get almost none. Can't swear that's the cause but don't see any other difference.

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - ElysianWort - 11-07-2018

Halfway down the page there’s an audio of how it works. It’s hilarious!

I agree Chas! I like the second one "chafed calves" then "Russian Hello" was a gut busting laugh.

RE: Lots of calls from “800” service - alaskyn66 - 11-07-2018

Quite possibly the greatest invention of the 21st century.( so far).