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Menehune Lore - Printable Version

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Menehune Lore - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-05-2019

We’ve often made mention of the Menehune here on Punaweb. There’s a man on Kauai who collects stories about the little people, some from oral tradition before historical accounts, some from written records such as census forms, although without any kind of investigation or background verification.

There is still discussion about the possible origins of the Menehune. One theory is that Marquesans were early arrivals in Hawai‘i, who were driven up the island chain by a subsequent influx of Tahitians. Kaua‘i has been referred to as their “last stand.”

There are numerous references to Menehune listed in the census of 1820, Hawai‘i’s first population census, conducted in Kaua‘i’s Wainiha Valley. The UH M#257;noa website quotes the state data center as saying, a “careful census” reported 2,000 people in the valley, 65 of whom were described as Menehune.

The 1914 census of Wainiha. There were, I believe, fourteen people who claim Menehune descent.


RE: Menehune Lore - glassnumbers - 01-06-2019

Huh, awesome! they all got in their boats and sailed away. The Menehune are still out there somewhere!

Aloha Smile

RE: Menehune Lore - terracore - 01-06-2019


RE: Menehune Lore - randomq - 01-06-2019

How do we return their lands to them? Their descendents have a claim to all of Hawaii!

RE: Menehune Lore - terracore - 01-06-2019

What if we find them and they want to build a 60-meter telescope?

RE: Menehune Lore - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-06-2019

What if... they want to build a 60-meter telescope?

I suggest the Menehune get together with The Colossus. They already have a 74 meter scope planned and need partners. A perfect match: