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OTA TV problems - Printable Version

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OTA TV problems - macuu222 - 01-12-2019

Anyone else having problems with the PBS stations 10-1 thru 10-3? I re-scanned and still cant get a signal.

RE: OTA TV problems - ElysianWort - 01-12-2019

It's so whacky that every other day I'm getting/ missing different channels.

No PBS 1,2 or 3 for me either but I bet they're back tomorrow when I rescan.

PBS 10.2 is pretty much the only tv I watch in the evening. Absolutely love the focus on Japanese and Asian culture.

RE: OTA TV problems - Mimosa - 01-13-2019

PBS no can,
Only when overcast or raining den can.
TV radio gets every kine 24/7.