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Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - Printable Version

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Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-15-2019

At 3 PM this afternoon, Hawaii students will gather in front of the state capitol in Honolulu:

Young minds are planning to hold a nationwide strike this month in an effort to help fight climate change — and local students say they’re joining the fight.

The international movement was started by a 16 year old girl, Greta Thunberg, who has missed school to sit outside the Swedish parliament almost every Friday since last August.

It may not be a large gathering here in Hawaii, but it's a start. When people say the keiki are our future, these are the kids they're talking about.

RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - EightFingers - 03-15-2019

Are they going to visit India and China next?

Yes, I’m serious.

RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - Guest - 03-15-2019

poor parenting = poor futures

RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-15-2019

7th graders in Hawaii are contributing to a healthy environment with their design for a device which will clean up plastic in the ocean. They were selected in the first round of National Geographic's GeoChallenge contest. We've got some resourceful keiki in Hawaii:

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - At Wheeler Middle School, a team of six seventh-graders designed and built a model of their solution for cleaning up plastic pollution in the ocean.

“You’ve got two boats dragging a net that’s 5 feet above the surface. It drops down 80 feet into the water,” team member Payton Custis said.

The net would be microfiber, thinly woven with holes for fish to safely swim through to escape the garbage patch.

Wheeler’s one of only 250 schools National Geographic selected from across the U.S. The team’s teacher, Olga Dolgopolova, said that’s an impressive accomplishment.


RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - Guest - 03-15-2019

wow drag a net. whoda thunk ? lets give those geniuses a medal. Never mind the larger fish and mammals that get caught. its all about saving stuff.

RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-15-2019

give those geniuses a medal.

Didn’t we have a discussion about this kind of behavior not too long ago?
What did we decide was the term for an adult who picks on, or preys on children?

RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - terracore - 03-15-2019

"Young minds are planning to hold a nationwide strike this month in an effort to help fight climate change — and local students say they’re joining the fight."

I'll fix it:

"Young impressionable minds are planning to hold a nationwide strike this month in an effort to help fight climate change — and local students say they’re joining the fight."

Don't worry, one of the political parties is trying to lower the voting age to 16 so that they can influence voters directly in liberal classrooms and instruct their undeveloped intellects how to vote through social media: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/434115-pelosi-says-she-backs-lowering-voting-age-to-16

ETA: format

RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - Guest - 03-15-2019

zackley TC ...and hotpie, stowe ur pretense... how far u willing to play along with this farse ? At what point does somebody tell these kids they whatever is bunk ?

These are kids going to adulthood, not preschoolers. In the real world theres winners, loserz and should not have even rans.

im reminded of louis ck skit about hide and seek

RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - tada - 03-15-2019

Microfiber net going pollute the ocean-


RE: Youth Climate Strike Hawaii - Guest - 03-15-2019

boom, salamat to reiterate TADA : )