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Property Tax bills - Printable Version

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Property Tax bills - VancouverIslander - 09-20-2019

Earlier in the Month, I logged on to check the due date for property taxes only to discover they were past due. I paid them, and then just this week I received my tax bill in the mail. I tried to look for a date to see when it was posted, but no joy. Strangely, I did find a "Royal Mail" stamp on it. It makes me wonder if bills for those of us not in state are farmed out to a foreign company (who apparently took their sweet time in sending out the notices).

Me ka ha`aha`a,

RE: Property Tax bills - terracore - 09-21-2019

They are mailed from the mainland. I don't remember where but the outfit says they service 20+ states. My guess it that they service Canadian governments too and you bill was printed and mailed from a Canadian office.

RE: Property Tax bills - VancouverIslander - 09-22-2019

Royal mail indicates Brittain rather than Canada. Perhaps they farm out all international locations there? In any case, it's far too late to be of value.

Me ka ha`aha`a,