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abandoned vehicle disposal FEE INCREASE - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: abandoned vehicle disposal FEE INCREASE (/showthread.php?tid=21461)

abandoned vehicle disposal FEE INCREASE - kalakoa - 01-16-2020


As far as the request to let counties add $25 to the annual vehicle registration fee to pay to remove abandoned vehicles, Sen. Lorraine Inouye, a north Hawaii Island Democrat who chairs the Senate Transportation Committee, said the counties already have that authority.

We already pay a "vehicle disposal fee" on our annual registration -- however, County has decreed that this only applies on public roads, while most derelict vehicles are disposed of on private roads. Increasing this fee will NOT solve the problem.

RE: abandoned vehicle disposal FEE INCREASE - terracore - 01-16-2020

Nothing to worry about... from the article you posted... once they make legal car ownership prohibitively expensive they have this:

"Other measures in the Council of Mayors’ package would regulate so-called “transportation network companies” such as Uber and Lyft, and require them to pay fees..."

As usual the only answers are increase taxes/fees. Fiscal responsibility is solely a taxpayer's responsibility.