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Masks - Printable Version

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Masks - TomK - 04-04-2020

Now that the recommendation is for everyone to wear masks in public, does anyone know where we can get them? I know there are a bunch of ways to make homemade ones, but not everyone has the material at home to do so or the skills. I have a couple of N95 masks in my pre-bought emergency kit but they won't last too long.

I actually tried a sleep-mask I was given on a long-haul flight months ago but found it a little difficult to breathe through.

RE: Masks - 1voyager1 - 04-04-2020

Hi Tom,
Your question sparked me to look around for my own use as well as possibly others.
I was going to work up a list of what I'm using, but they are now pretty much being reserved for hospitals and health workers.
Although, I may have found some still available for us lowlifes.
The p100 filters for those, are still available in smaller quantities and higher prices.

I am going to place another larger quantity order [5 pair] when I get done here.
6 pair for $50 is now 5 for $65.

Not going to find any in quantities any more.
Not made in U.S., anyway.
My 6 pair will do me for a few months or so.
Maybe more will be available by then.
I've heard of some locals making masks from cotton cloth, like t-shirts and selling them.
But, I get visions of the videos of masks being made in India.

There seems to be a large number of surgical type mask varieties on Amazon.
Haven't looked closely, but there may be some worth getting there.
A few quick checks of masks on Amazon and eBay has me leery of some masks that originate outside the U.S.
My experiences on eBay has me recommending to stay away from them for this type of item.
The rush is on and good quality equipment is getting hard to find.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, nothing left.

RE: Masks - TomK - 04-04-2020

Thanks 1v1. Much better advice than getting them in January. On the other hand, I don't think the quality of masks is a big thing right now, I suspect that just using them to keep you from touching your face is still a really important thing. Plus it does reassure others that you are taking this seriously.

RE: Masks - 1voyager1 - 04-04-2020

Originally posted by TomK

Thanks 1v1. Much better advice than getting them in January. On the other hand, I don't think the quality of masks is a big thing right now, I suspect that just using them to keep you from touching your face is still a really important thing. Plus it does reassure others that you are taking this seriously.

I agree.
There isn't much need to protect at the moment.
What is needed is to get used to using the protection and learning how to use it effectively and safely.
That will take time and paying attention.

One thing I have noticed is that many people using masks have a big gap under the edge of their mask along their cheek, and along side their nose.
Breathing will pump air through those gaps, not filtering through the mask material.
Makes the mask much less effective.

I spent a number of years working as a diver and am very attuned to the proper use of respirator type equipment.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, nothing left.

RE: Masks - dan d - 04-05-2020

If u have a cartridge mask u can remove the cartridges, and just use the filter. I do that when im gonna sand for a long time. Even w copd i can breathe all day. And as u can asume the fitting is super. We allways test fir seal , juat put hands over front and inhale. It should suck in
I have tons of p100 filters


RE: Masks - rainyjim - 04-05-2020

Oven @ 70C for 30 min and good for reuse. Stanford’s latest: https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Fstanfordmedicine.box.com%2Fv%2Fcovid19-PPE-1-1/view/638527906642

RE: Masks - rainyjim - 04-05-2020

Also good to note (from article above) don’t clean the filter membranes with chlorine (bleach) or ethanol (alcohol) they remove the static charge and reduce the filtration efficiency dramatically.

RE: Masks - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-05-2020

If you’d like to see the difference between wearing a mask and not wearing a mask, here’s a video using the Schlieren technique that visibly displays the movement of airflow. In this case, breathing:


RE: Masks - macuu222 - 04-05-2020

Got mine at Longs when they were in stock. They sell out fast. A package of 10 for 10 dollars. I was going without one when going to the grocery store and just keep my distance...but just about everyone in the store was wearing one...so decided to go with the flow.

RE: Masks - ironyak - 04-05-2020

@macuu222 - what type of masks - sounds like surgical? Or something else?

Hopefully cloth masks will become more common and available as they can be made with better fabrics for filtering, are washable & reusable, and can be made with more patterns and styles (and therefore are more socially acceptable? This Spring's pandemic fashion trends...)