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Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - Printable Version

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Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - 1voyager1 - 04-05-2020

Can't find much about corona virus at low temperatures as found in refrigerators and freezers, 40°F to 0°F or less.
My suspicion is that it will enhance the virus' survival time.
One I've found seems to indicate that longevity might be enhanced.

That might indicate that one should disinfect food purchases before placing them into your cold storage area.
Any sources of info on that?

- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, nothing left.

RE: Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - alaskyn66 - 04-05-2020

I don't think they've studied in that direction (cold) yet. What they do know is described here.


Edit: I did find this article though...

RE: Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - kander - 04-05-2020

How wonderful, can you imagine people pulling viable samples out of their freezers 6 months to a year down the road on pau hanna fridays?

RE: Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - ironyak - 04-05-2020

Well virus samples are stored at ultra-low temperatures in the lab for later study, so yeah, the freezer isn't going to help with disinfecting.

Can find sources on both sides of this question. However:
- Washing your hands after handling packaging and before eating, can't hurt
- Leaving non-perishables on the lanai for an extra few days before storing, can't hurt
- Wiping down plastic and hard-sided containers with a disinfecting solution before storing, can't hurt

Just don't go bleaching or washing your fresh fruits & veggies with soap - can hurt if you end up consuming cleaning products!

RE: Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - kalianna - 04-05-2020

Yes, I also read that lower temps will increase the virus' lifetime. I also read that higher temps can kill them. To sanitize a used N95 mask put it in the oven at the lowest setting for 30 min. But don't microwave it--it melts. Lucky we have a couple left over from the eruption.

RE: Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - birdmove - 04-06-2020

I have read somewhere in an article on the web that drinking warm fluids will help kill the virus. Don't drink cold or iced drinks, as thd virus survives colder temps.

Jon in Keaau/HPP

RE: Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-09-2020

Here's the latest on warm temperatures and COVID-19:

A new report, sent to the White House science adviser, says the country should not rely on warm weather to stop contagion.

After reviewing a variety of research reports, a panel concluded that the studies, of varying quality of evidence, do not offer a basis to believe that summer weather will interfere with the spread of the coronavirus.

The report sent to the White House also struck a cautionary note: “Given that countries currently in ‘summer’ climates, such as Australia and Iran, are experiencing rapid virus spread, a decrease in cases with increases in humidity and temperature elsewhere should not be assumed,” it said.


RE: Cold Temp's Effect on Virus' Survival Time - PaulW - 04-09-2020

Sorry Jon, there is a lot of nonsense on the web. I seriously doubt that warm fluids will kill the virus. Check the CDC and the WHO for real information.