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Fresh Water Discovered Under The Pacific Ocean - Printable Version

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Fresh Water Discovered Under The Pacific Ocean - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-25-2020

Researchers discovered West Hawaii has rivers of fresh water deep underground, which emerge offshore under the ocean.  The good news, Kona & Kohala have a plentiful source of fresh water for the future.  The bad news, it's been suggested the water is brought to the surface with water derricks like oil well platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere.  There's no problem if the water wells leak, as they'd only leak water, but don't forget the power of the hotel and multi-million dollar vacation home NIMFY factor.  Not In My Front Yard.

Twice as much freshwater is stored offshore of Hawai'i Island than was previously thought, according to a University of Hawai'i study with important implications for volcanic islands around the world. An extensive reservoir of freshwater within the submarine southern flank of the Hualalai aquifer has been mapped by UH researchers with the Hawai'i EPSCoR Ike Wai project. The groundbreaking findings, published in Science Advances, reveal a novel way in which substantial volumes of freshwater are transported from onshore to offshore submarine aquifers along the coast of Hawai'i Island.


RE: Fresh Water Discovered Under The Pacific Ocean - randomq - 11-25-2020

The way 2020 has been going, we should build an undersea biodome to take advantage of the fresh water and geothermal heat. It could be move-in ready by the time Apophis hits, or climate change has destroyed the surface, or Covid-23 turns us all into zombies...

RE: Fresh Water Discovered Under The Pacific Ocean - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-25-2020

we should build an undersea biodome to take advantage of ...

That’s a great idea!  Hopefully our County officials will make sure an East Hawaii Biodome gets built first.  So I don’t have to move as far.  

RE: Fresh Water Discovered Under The Pacific Ocean - terracore - 11-26-2020

I was talking to a local girl about local cuisine and how it was so salty.

She said that her grandfather had told her that in the old times, when there was a drought, Hawaiians would get fresh water by diving in areas of the ocean where they knew the fresh water came up from springs, and filled up vessels for people to drink. While the water was potable, it was still pretty salty, and any food that tasted less salty than the drinking water appeared to have less flavor, so they added more salt to food to compensate. Salty food just became the expectation.

I have no idea if any of this is true, but that was her story and she was sticking to it.

RE: Fresh Water Discovered Under The Pacific Ocean - TomK - 11-26-2020

Really interesting, HOTPE, thank you for posting it. Seawater or saltwater is denser than pure or freshwater, so even though freshwater comes out underground and way below sea-level, it shouldn't stay there long and should be replaced by the denser water. However, if it is really cold, then that can override the density of warmer water above it. It's analogous to temperature inversions we see in the atmosphere although not quite the same. You basically kill off any convection very quickly because the warmer stuff is above you and traps the freshwater.