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Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - Printable Version

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Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - eightfingers2.0 - 06-21-2021

As I was walking into the Walmart, I overheard an announcement that said if you are not fully vaccinated, you had to wear a mask in the store. 
Of course, I was confused since I thought masks had to be worn whenever inside a business no matter the vax status per Ige.
One employee I asked inside said the masks had to be worn in the store which is what we have always done.

RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - Obie - 06-21-2021

Canned message sent out by corporate. That was meant for the mainland.
In Ohio all restrictions ended on June 2nd.
The CDC put that recommendation out and the governor of Ohio said only unvaccinated people need to wear masks. He added that we will know who you are because you will be the people getting sick and dying.
"The choice is yours."

RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - terracore - 06-21-2021


RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday -
kalianna - 06-22-2021

Except in Hawaii where we still have to wear a mask even though we've been vaccinated. Enough already!

RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - Durian Fiend - 06-22-2021

(06-22-2021, 07:05 AM)kalianna Wrote: Except in Hawaii where we still have to wear a mask even though we've been vaccinated.  Enough already!

I plan to wear a mask and a condom at all times for the rest of my life.  

Seriously, the few folks wearing masks on the mainland anymore are mostly vaccinated individuals who are retaining a high degree of anxiety over coronavirus.
Some businesses have signs advising customers that only unvaccinated need wear masks.  Well, you think they abide?   I don't.

RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 06-22-2021

... in Hawaii where we still have to wear a mask even though we've been vaccinated

In the meantime, there is a silver lining.  Very few people are getting colds, other flu strains, and common respiratory illnesses unrelated to COVID:

study released this month in the Journal of Hospital Medicine, led by researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, found that across 44 children's hospitals, the number of pediatric patients hospitalized for respiratory illnesses is down 62%. Deaths have dropped dramatically too, compared with the last 10 years: The number of flu deaths among children is usually between 100 and 200 per year, but so far only one child has died from the disease in the U.S. during the 2020-2021 flu season.

Adults aren't getting sick either. U.S. flu deaths this season will be measured in the hundreds instead of thousands.


RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - terracore - 06-23-2021

"The number of flu deaths among children is usually between 100 and 200 per year, but so far only one child has died from the disease in the U.S. during the 2020-2021 flu season."

The federal government picks up the tab for any unpaid bill a hospital generates related to COVID (but not influenza) as part of the CARES Act. But of course, no business would list an influenza case as COVID just to get paid, so I'm sure those stats are legit.

RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 06-23-2021

... of course, no business would list an influenza case as COVID just to get paid...

Wouldn’t a doctor, clinic, or hospital get paid by insurance if a patient had the common flu?  Or if the patient was uninsured they’d go to the hospital emergency room where the state picks up the tab?  (About 15% of the Hawaii State budget is Medicaid https://ballotpedia.org/File:Hawaii_spending_FY14.png)

Why would medical workers falsify test results when there’s little to be gained but a lot to lose, like their jobs?

RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - Durian Fiend - 06-23-2021

Agreed, no doctor would list an influenza case incorrectly to insure his hospital get paid. Doctors aren't crooks and generally aren't familiar with patients' finances.

Keep kids out of school, reduce social contacts and illness spread is bound to be less. I suspect that going forward flu deaths in U.S. may become more accurately recorded rather than left to estimation.

RE: Confusing announcement at Walmart yesterday - terracore - 06-23-2021

"A person in their 20s, who was killed in a motorcycle accident, was initially reported to have died from COVID-19, according to Dr. Raul Pino, Health Officer for the Florida Department of Health in Orange County, Miami's WSVN reported."


"no doctor would list an influenza case incorrectly to insure his hospital get paid"

Hospital doctor's don't bill medicare, or likely have any idea how the billing works. The hospitals employ people specifically for the purpose of making sure the facility gets paid, and if they can do that by blaming a donorcycle death on COVID, then they will.