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Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - Printable Version

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Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - eightfingers2.0 - 07-08-2021

Pros and cons? Who wants to get one?

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - Or1on - 07-08-2021

I'm still waiting for a taser app on my phone.

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 07-08-2021


Are the electronics in a taser protected from salt air and humidity, or will they corrode over time?  Is there are way to know by testing the device from time to time?   Like on that guy with the largest subwoofers manufactured who parks in front of your house?

Will there be a local reboot of the Lethal Weapon movie series made for Hawaii, Non-Lethal Weapon?  Starring perhaps Jason Scott Lee and Stephanie Lum?

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - kalianna - 07-08-2021

I wonder if it would work on pigs.

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - terracore - 07-08-2021


Bringing a shocking device to a gun fight.

The bill requires the buyer to undergo a background check and take a class. Criminals of course will continue to use illegal weapons without paying for background checks and safety classes, and will likely opt for deadly weapons.

"I wonder if it would work on pigs."

Stun guns temporarily incapacitate the subject it is used on. Why would you want to temporarily incapacitate a pig? I do remember from a livestock class that pigs have a much higher water content than most other mammals and devices like cattle prods are never to be used on them because it's less like "prodding" and more like "torturing", so I think the answer to your question is probably no.

A friend of mine worked for the state department overseas and had to take a class on how to avoid being kidnapped, and learned some pretty cool skills. One of the methods terrorists use is to taser somebody which makes them easy to collect without causing permanent injury. While getting tased most people can't run or walk but they aren't totally immobilized, one thing most people can do is roll over, so the students are taught how to roll away from the person holding the taser until the wires come out, and then can evade or fight the attacker(s). With a little practice one can get "untased" in just a few seconds. In this respect, tasers are less effective than other non-lethal means of incapacitation like OC spray where the effects actually get worse for several minutes after being deployed.

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 07-09-2021

Bringing a shocking device to a gun fight.

I don’t see many tasers being used outside the home in Hawaii.  I can’t think of a single time in the last 20 years where I thought, oh better gun up before I head over there.  Just to be safe.

In your home, you can hide a taser in a place where you can retreat, hide, lie in wait, and have the element of surprise in your favor.  With no potential murder charge because even if the thief has a weak heart and croaks, a taser shows your intent was not to kill.  Even if you hit him in the side or back.

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - terracore - 07-09-2021

"In your home, you can hide a taser in a place where you can retreat..."

Tasers are really only effective in close quarters anyway, the consumer models have a max range of 15 feet. Closer is probably better for accuracy, most units can only be fired once and then a new cartridge has to be installed.

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - Obie - 07-09-2021

I think a stun gun would be a better choice.

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - AaronM - 07-12-2021

There is a taser variant that fires from a 12g shotgun which increases range and enables rapid follow up 'shots'. Probably still not allowed. Also probably not allowed would be an electrified front door mat for those uninvited 3am guests.

RE: Tasers legal in Hawaii as of January 1 - eightfingers2.0 - 11-24-2021

Bumpity bump bump!