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how to ignore posters - Printable Version

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how to ignore posters - kalianna - 08-19-2021

Just in case anyone doesn't know this, it is possible to mute/ignore the influx of new misinformation and insulting posters by clicking on their name, then click on "add to ingore list".  Your blood pressure will thank you.

RE: how to ignore posters - sistersue - 08-19-2021

(08-19-2021, 02:33 AM)kalianna Wrote: Just in case anyone doesn't know this, it is possible to mute/ignore the influx of new misinformation and insulting posters by clicking on their name, then click on "add to ingore list".  Your blood pressure will thank you.
Thank you.  When I hear or read angry people ranting and raving, I have a natural gift of being able to ignore them.  I get astounded at the ridiculous things they say but realize they're mostly doing it to bother me, and it doesn't work.  But I do feel bad for the people that may actually believe them.